CANTHER laboratory “CANcer Heterogeneity, Plasticity and Resistance to THERapies” is a mixed structure : University of Lille – CNRS – Inserm – Lille University Hospital (CHU Lille) – Lille Pasteur Institute (IPL) with Cancer Centre Oscar Lambret (COL) and Lille Research Institute against Cancer (IRCL) as partners. CANTHER is composed of 5 teams with complementary expertise, competences and savoir-faire to reach the scientific goals of the laboratory. The team of Dr Isabelle Van Seuningen is specialized in the mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapies, the team of Dr David Tulasne is specialized in the mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies, the team of Pr Bruno Quesnel is specialized in the mechanisms of tumor dormancy in leukemias, the team of Pr Corinne Abbadie is specialized in the mechanisms of senescence and fibrosis associated with cancer and the team of Pr Xuefen Le Bourhis is specialized in the mechanisms of resistance associated with the metastatic process.
Our geographic localization on both the Lille University Hospital and Pasteur Institute campuses is a huge asset that favors collaborations with clinical departments of both the Lille Hospital and Cancer Centre Oscar Lambret that guarantee a tight link with clinicians to develop strong clinical research and with the patient through the private foundations of COL, IPL and IRCL.
Morevoer, CANTHER is one of the research units of the Lille Interdisciplinary Research Cancer Institute (called ONCOLille) which gathers 3 biology laboratories (CANTHER, PHYCEL, ONCOTHAI), an international laboratory of Physics (LIMMS/SMMiL-E), a laboratory on Social and Human Sciences (SCALab) and a laboratory on Mathematics (LEM/Painlevé) with whom we will develop interdisciplinary projects on cancer.