Équipe : Facteurs de Persistance des cellules leucémiques
Scientific discovery paves the way for new and more effective immunotherapy treatments
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Notre équipe intitulée « Facteurs de persistance des cellules leucémiques » s’est focalisée sur la découverte de facteurs contribuant à la persistance à long terme des cellules leucémiques comme la dormance tumorale, et à la caractérisation de marqueurs génomiques prédictifs de l’évolution des hémopathies malignes.
L’équipe est située à l’Institut pour la Recherche sur le Cancer de Lille (IRCL) www.ircl.org pour les études de biologie cellulaire ainsi que dans le laboratoire d’hématologie et des technologies de séquençages génomiques à haut débit (CHU de Lille) pour la mise à disposition d’une banque de cellules tumorales de patients et pour les activités de biologie moléculaires translationnelles.
L’équipe partage le même bâtiment avec les plateformes de cytométrie en flux et de tri cellulaire et plusieurs membres de l’équipe sont impliqués dans les deux activités. L’équipe est historiquement liée au département d’hématologie clinique (CHU), au laboratoire d’hématologie et au département de cytogénétique. Plusieurs membres de l’équipe sont affiliés au CHU et des projets de recherche sont directement issus de ce haut degré d’intégration.
![]() | Pr Bruno QUESNEL, co-directeur d’équipe PU-PH CHRU de Lille Service des Maladies du Sang – HDR bruno.quesnel(@)chru-lille.fr |
![]() | Pr Salomon Manier, co-directeur d’équipe PU-PH CHRU de Lille Service des Maladies du Sang – HDR Sujet de recherches : Étude des dépendances génomiques et des marqueurs d’évolution clonale dans les hémopathies lymphoïdes matures. |
![]() | Dr Thierry IDZIOREK, Chargé de Recherche- CNRS – HDR thierry.idziorek(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Dr Marie-Hélène DAVID, Chargé de Recherche-Inserm, HDR |
![]() | Dr Meyling CHEOK, Chargé de Recherche-Inserm, HDR |
![]() | Pr Philippe MARCHETTI, PU-PH Université de Lille, HDR |
![]() | Pr Claude PREUDHOMME, PU-PH Institut d’Hématologie Centre de Biologie-Pathologie |
![]() | Pr Catherine ROCHE-LESTIENNE, PU-PH Institut de Génétique Médicale Centre de Biologie-Pathologie CHU de Lille, HDR |
![]() | Pr Jérôme KLUZA, Professeur d’Université- Université de Lille, HDR |
![]() | Dr Carine BRINSTER, Maitre de Conférence- Université de Lille, HDR carine.brinster(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Dr Yasmine TOUIL, Ingénieure de Recherche – Université de Lille, HDR Mécanismes de la synapse immunologique dysfonctionnelle dans les cancers. Apport de la microfluidique des systèmes. Signature calcique des cellules leucémiques et de la synapse immunologique dans les LAM Étude des mécanismes de la dormance tumorale : Signature génétique, épigénétique et protéomiques des cellules dormantes. Lien avec les cellules souches tumorales. |
![]() | Dr Xavier THURU, Ingénieur de Recherche, HDR, MBA – Université de Lille |
![]() | Dr Céline BERTHON, PH – CHRU de Lille Service des maladies du Sang Hopital Huriez celine.berthon(@)chru-lille.fr |
Pr Stéphanie POULAIN, PU-PH Centre de Biologie-Pathologie CHU de Lille. Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et Pharmaceutiques de Lille stephanie.poulain(@)chru-lille.fr | |
![]() | Dr Nicolas DUPLOYEZ, PH Institut d’Hématologie |
![]() | Dr Olivier NIBOUREL, PH Institut d’Hématologie olivier.nibourel(@)chru-lille.fr |
![]() | Dr Christophe ROUMIER, PH Institut d’Hématologie christophe.roumier(@)chru-lille.fr |
![]() | Dr Alice MARCEAU, PH Institut d’Hématologie |
![]() | Dr Suman MITRA, Chargé de Recherche Inserm suman.mitra(@)inserm.fr site web : https://themitralab.org/ |
![]() | Dr Silvia GAGGERO, Post-doctorante |
![]() | Pr Christian BAILLY, PAST, HDR Sujet de recherches: développement de nouveaux inhibiteurs d’immuno-checkpoint pour le traitement des Cancers. christian.bailly(@)inserm.fr
![]() | Pauline PEYROUZE, Ingénieure d’étude-IRCL pauline.peyrouze(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Hassiba EL BOUAZZATI-BOUAFIA, Assistante-Ingénieure INSERM hassiba.bouafia(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Aurélie GUILLEMETTE, Technicienne Université de Lille aurelie.guillemette(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Salim DEKIOUK, Technicien de laboratoire -CHU de Lille Responsabilités collectives : Référent « froids » (chambre froide 4°C et -20°C et congélateurs – salim.dekiouk(@)inserm.fr |
Dr Mélanie DHAYER, Ingénieure de Recherche Responsabilités collectives : Référent Pièce Histologie melanie.dhayer(@)inserm.fr | |
Djohana Laurent, Ingénieure d’étude Inserm Responsabilités collectives : Référent L2 Culture Primaire djohana.laurent(@)inserm.fr | |
![]() | Romain MAGNEZ, Ingénieur d’étude Inserm Responsabilités collectives : Référent Spectramax, Pièce Biologie Moléculaire romain.magnez(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Malo LEPROHON, Ingénieur d’étude CHU Lille Bioinformaticien Groupe Suman Mitra malo.leprohon(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Adeline COZZANI, Ingénieur d’étude Inserm, Groupe de Suman Mitra Responsabilités collectives : Référent L2 Virologie adeline.cozzani(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | William LAINE, Technicien Université de Lille william.laine(@)univ-lille.fr |
Julie VREVIN, marie-helene.david(@)inserm.fr | |
![]() | Clara LEWUILLON, clara.lewuillon(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Sofia Titah, sofia.titah(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Marie-Océane LAGUILLAUMIE, marie-oceane.laguillaumie(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | Lama HASAN BOU ISSA, Doctorante lama.hasan-bou-issa(@)inserm.fr |
![]() | DEGAND Claire Sujet de thèse : « la capacité de réserve mitochondriale : Biomarqueur métabolique prédictif de la réponse aux traitements des leucémies aigues myéloïdes » Directeur de thèse: Pr Jérôme KLUZA |
CHOMY Axel Sujet de thèse: Directeur de thèse: Pr Jérôme KLUZA | |
![]() | GERMAIN Nicolas, Médecin Biologiste – Assistant Hospitalo-Universitaire Sujet de thèse:« Mise en place de la bio-impression pour la modélisation de la niche hématopoïétique leucémique » Directeurs de thèse: Pr Philippe Marchetti/ Pr Steve Lancel |
![]() | SEGAIN Benjamin Sujet de thèse: Limiter l’impact du microenvironnement tumoral sur l’efficacité des thérapies par CAR-T cells Directeurs de thèse: Dr Suman Mitra/Pr Bruno Quesnel |
GOURSAUD Laure Sujet de thèse:Utilisation de petites molécules ciblant les checkpoints immunologiques TIM-3 et PDL1 pour le traitement des hémopathies Directeur de thèse: Dr Xavier THURU | |
![]() | Léa FLECHON, Doctorante lea.flechon(@)univ-lille.fr |
L’éradication de la dernière cellule tumorale a été le Saint Graal de la recherche sur le cancer pendant des décennies. L’idée était que si seulement quelques cellules cancéreuses persistaient dans l’organisme, une rechute se produirait inévitablement. Ainsi, comprendre les mécanismes qui permettent la persistance à long terme de ces cellules permettrait d’éviter les rechutes. Pour répondre à la question de la persistance de la leucémie humaine, nous avons construit notre équipe de recherche autour de quatre axes scientifiques stratégiques.
– Le premier axe étudié par Bruno Quesnel, Yasmine Touil, Thierry Idziorek, Carine Brinster and Céline Berthon avait pour objectif de découvrir, à l’aide de modèles expérimentaux et de cohortes de patients, les facteurs de dormance tumorale et de persistance à long terme dans la leucémie et le myélome multiple. Les résultats ont spécifiquement mis en évidence le rôle de l’immuno-évasion (PD-L1, CCL2) et des cellules souches tumorales.
Plus récemment, la thématique a été étendue au métabolisme tumoral avec l’expertise de Philippe Marchetti et Jérôme Kluza, qui ont étudié la dormance/ résistance des cellules leucémiques traitées avec inhibiteurs de la tyrosine kinase.
– Le deuxième axe développé par Claude Preudhomme, Catherine Roche-Lestienne, Stéphanie Poulain, Meyling Cheok, Olivier Nibourel, de Christophe Roumier, Alice Marceau et Nicolas Duployez, a été consacré à l’évaluation systématique de nouveaux marqueurs génomiques des hémopathies malignes : LAM, SMD et la maladie de Waldenström. Les chercheurs visent la caractérisation de marqueurs prédictifs de l’échec du traitement et de la rechute dans les hémopathies malignes, facilement transposables en routine. Une mise en banque de nombreux essais cliniques prospectifs nationaux, est effectuée par notre équipe dans le cadre de la banque de cellules tumorales de patients.
Cet axe a récemment évolué sous l’impulsion de Meyling Cheok vers une caractérisation fonctionnelle des cellules leucémiques, telles que la résistance aux médicaments et les cellules souches, qui sont actuellement étudiées dans des cohortes prospectives de patients du groupe d’étude national ALFA et GFM.
– Le troisième axe explore de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques : Marie-Hélène David développe de nouveaux médicaments ciblant l’interaction facteur de transcription / ADN, notamment HOXA9. Xavier Thuru élabore de nouvelles méthodes (voir onglet plateformes CANTHER/plateau PCBI) en collaboration avec des chimistes pour cibler les interactions protéine/protéine dans les cellules tumorales dormantes.
En 2016, Salomon Manier a rejoint notre équipe après cinq ans au laboratoire d’Irene Ghobrial au Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA). Il étudie spécifiquement le ciblage de Myc dans le myélome multiple, la dépendance génomique et les marqueurs de l’évolution clonale dans les hémopathies malignes lymphoïdes matures.
– Le quatrième axe explore les biomarqueurs moléculaires de la réponse thérapeutique et de la rechute dans le cadre de l’immunothérapie « synthétique » dans les hémopathies malignes. L’objectif est de concevoir et de développer la prochaine génération d’immunothérapies « synthétiques » avec une réponse optimisée et durable. Le succès des stratégies d’immunothérapie engageant les cellules T dépend non seulement de leur capacité à reconnaître l’antigène tumoral cible, mais aussi du maintien d’une réponse antitumorale soutenue dans le microenvironnement tumoral immunosuppresseur, qui est réglementé de manière critique par les cytokines. Le groupe du Dr Suman Mitra se focalise sur la compréhension du rôle des cytokines à chaîne gamma, y compris IL-2, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15 et IL-21 qui sont essentielles à la survie, à la prolifération et à la fonction des lymphocytes T. Le groupe développe une combinaison innovante d’immunothérapies « synthétiques » mobilisant des cytokines et des cellules T pour le traitement des hémopathies malignes et les cancers.
Publications 2023
Bailly C. Ruta angustifolia Pers. (Narrow-Leaved Fringed Rue): Pharmacological Properties and Phytochemical Profile. Plants (Basel). 2023 Feb 13;12(4):827.
Bailly C, Vergoten G. Interaction of Camptothecin Anticancer Drugs with Ribosomal Proteins L15 and L11: A Molecular Docking Study. Molecules. 2023 Feb 15;28(4):1828
Bailly C, Thuru X, Goossens L, Goossens JF. Soluble TIM-3 as a biomarker of progression and therapeutic response in cancers and other of human diseases. Biochem Pharmacol. 2023 Feb 2;209:115445.
Thuru X, Magnez R, Vergoten G, Bailly C. A Potential Off-Target Effect of the Wnt/β-Catenin Inhibitor KYA1797K: PD-L1 Binding and Checkpoint Inhibition. Biomed Hub 2023;8:1-9.
Publications 2022
Mopin A, Leprêtre F, Sebda S, Villenet C, Ben Khoud M, Figeac M, Quesnel B, Brinster C. Detection of residual and chemoresistant leukemic cells in an immune-competent mouse model of acute myeloid leukemia: Potential for unravelling their interactions with immunity. PLoS One. 2022 Apr 29;17(4):e0267508. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267508. PMID: 35486629; PMCID: PMC9053800.
European Patent N° 22305625.0. (24 avril 2022) « Device and method for trapping cell pairs, and method for analysing cell pairs in real time » Inventeurs : Carine Brinster, Dominique Collard, Loïc Lemonnier, Bruno Quesnel, Cagatay Tarhan, Faruk Shaik, Yasmine Touil.
Touil Y, Latreche-Carton C, Bouazzati HE, Nugues AL, Jouy N, Thuru X, Laine W, Lepretre F, Figeac M, Tardivel M, Kluza J, Idziorek T, Quesnel B. p65/RelA NF-κB fragments generated by RIPK3 activity regulate tumorigenicity, cell metabolism, and stemness characteristics. J Cell Biochem. 2022 Mar;123(3):543-556. doi: 10.1002/jcb.30198. Epub 2021 Dec 20. PMID: 34927768; PMCID: PMC9299825.
Lewuillon C, Guillemette A, Titah S, Shaik FA, Jouy N, Labiad O, Farfariello V, Laguillaumie MO, Idziorek T, Barthélémy A, Peyrouze P, Berthon C, Tarhan MC, Cheok M, Quesnel B, Lemonnier L, Touil Y. Involvement of ORAI1/SOCE in Human AML Cell Lines and Primary Cells According to ABCB1 Activity, LSC Compartment and Potential Resistance to Ara-C Exposure. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 16;23(10):5555. doi: 10.3390/ijms23105555. PMID: 35628366; PMCID: PMC9141756.
Regnault R, Kouach M,Goossens L, Thuru X, Bailly C, Goossens J-F. Monoand bis-edaravone adducts formed in the presence of vanillin in an aqueous solution. Sep Sci plus. 2022;1–11.
Le Biannic R, Magnez R, Klupsch F, Leleu-Chavain N, Thiroux B, Tardy M, El Bouazzati H, Dezitter X, Renault N, Vergoten G, Bailly C, Quesnel B, Thuru X*, Millet R*. Pyrazolones as inhibitors of immune checkpoint blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction. Eur J Med Chem. 2022 Apr 4;236:114343. *These authors contributed equally.
Trouvilliez S, Cicero J, Lévêque R, Aubert L, Corbet C, Van Outryve A, Streule K, Angrand PO, Völkel P, Magnez R, Brysbaert G, Mysiorek C, Gosselet F, Bourette R, Adriaenssens E, Thuru X, Lagadec C, de Ruyck J, Orian-Rousseau V, Le Bourhis X, Toillon RA. Direct interaction of TrkA/CD44v3 is essential for NGF-promoted aggressiveness of breast cancer cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Mar 28;41(1):110.
Marchand A, Sarchione A, Athanasopoulos PS, Roy HB, Goveas L, Magnez R, Drouyer M, Emanuele M, Ho FY, Liberelle M, Melnyk P, Lebègue N, Thuru X, Nichols RJ, Greggio E, Kortholt A, Galli T, Chartier-Harlin MC, Taymans JM. A Phosphosite Mutant Approach on LRRK2 Links Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation to Protective and Deleterious Markers, Respectively. Cells. 2022 Mar 17;11(6):1018
Thuru X, Magnez R, El-Bouazzati H, Vergoten G, Quesnel B, Bailly C. Drug Repurposing to Enhance Antitumor Response to PD-1/PD-L1 Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 11;14(14):3368. doi: 10.3390/cancers14143368.
Magnez R, Bailly C, Thuru X. Microscale Thermophoresis as a Tool to Study Protein Interactions and Their Implication in Human Diseases. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 12;23(14):7672.
Leleu-Chavain N, Regnault R, Ahouari H, Le Biannic R, Kouach M, Klupsch F, Magnez R, Vezin H, Thuru X, Bailly C, Goossens JF, Millet R. Antioxidant Properties and Aldehyde Reactivity of PD-L1 Targeted Aryl-Pyrazolone Anticancer Agents. Molecules. 2022 May 21;27(10):3316.
Coku I, Mutez E, Eddarkaoui S, Carrier S, Marchand A, Deldycke C, Goveas L, Baille G, Tir M, Magnez R, Thuru X, Vermeersch G, Vandenberghe W, Buée L, Defebvre L, Sablonnière B, Chartier-Harlin MC, Taymans JM, Huin V. Functional Analyses of Two Novel LRRK2 Pathogenic Variants in Familial Parkinson’s Disease. Mov Disord. 2022 Aug;37(8):1761-1767.
Gaggero S, Martinez-Fabregas J, Cozzani A, Fyfe PK, Leprohon M, Yang J, Thomasen FE, Winkelmann H, Magnez R, Conti AG, Wilmes S, Pohler E, van Gijsel Bonnello M, Thuru X, Quesnel B, Soncin F, Piehler J, Lindorff-Larsen K, Roychoudhuri R, Moraga I, Mitra S. IL-2 is inactivated by the acidic pH environment of tumors enabling engineering of a pH-selective mutein. Sci Immunol. 2022 Dec 9;7(78):eade5686.
Platel, A., Dusautoir, R., Kervoaze, G., Dourdin, G., Gateau, E., Talahari, S., Huot, L., Simar, S., Ollivier, A., Laine, W., Kluza, J., Gosset, P., Garçon, G., Antherieu, S., Lo Guidice, J.M. and Nesslany, F. Comparison of the in vivo genotoxicity of electronic and conventional cigarettes aerosols after subacute, subchronic and chronic exposures. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022; 423, 127246.
Facon T, Leleu X, Manier S. How I Treat Multiple myeloma in the geriatric patient. Blood. 2023 Jan 24:blood.2022017635.doi:10.1182/blood.2022017635. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36693134.
Dumontet C, Demangel D, Galia P, Karlin L, Roche L, Fauvernier M, Golfier C,Laude MC, Leleu X, Rodon P, Roussel M, Azaïs I, Doyen C, Slama B, Manier S,Decaux O, Pertesi M, Beaumont M, Caillot D, Boyle EM, Cliquennois M, Cony-Makhoul P, Doncker AV, Dorvaux V, Petillon MO, Fontan J, Hivert B, Leduc I,Leyronnas C, Macro M, Maigre M, Mariette C, Mineur P, Rigaudeau S, Royer B,Vincent L, Mckay J, Perrial E, Garderet L. Clinical characteristics and outcome of 318 families with familial monoclonal gammopathy: A multicenter Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome study. Am J Hematol. 2023 Feb;98(2):264-271. doi:10.1002/ajh.26785. Epub 2023 Jan 1. PMID: 36588407.
Sklavenitis-Pistofidis R, Aranha MP, Redd RA, Baginska J, Haradhvala NJ,Hallisey M, Dutta AK, Savell A, Varmeh S, Heilpern-Mallory D, Ujwary S, Zavidij O, Aguet F, Su NK, Lightbody ED, Bustoros M, Tahri S, Mouhieddine TH, Wu T,Flechon L, Anand S, Rosenblatt JM, Zonder J, Vredenburgh JJ, Boruchov A, Bhutani M, Usmani SZ, Matous J, Yee AJ, Jakubowiak A, Laubach J, Manier S, Nadeem O,Richardson P, Badros AZ, Mateos MV, Trippa L, Getz G, Ghobrial IM. Immune biomarkers of response to immunotherapy in patients with high-risk smoldering myeloma. Cancer Cell. 2022 Nov 14;40(11):1358-1373.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.10.017. PMID: 36379208.
Schavgoulidze A, Talbot A, Perrot A, Cazaubiel T, Leleu X, Manier S, Buisson L, Mahéo S, Do Souto Ferreira L, Pavageau L, Hulin C, Marolleau JP, Voillat L, Belhadj K, Divoux M, Slama B, Brechignac S, Macro M, Stoppa AM, Sanhes L, Orsini Piocelle F, Fontan J, Chretien ML, Demarquette H, Mohty M, Avet-Loiseau H, Corre J. Biallelic deletion of 1p32 defines ultra-high-risk myeloma, but monoallelic del(1p32) remains a strong prognostic factor. Blood. 2022 Nov 14:blood.2022017863. doi: 10.1182/blood.2022017863. Epub ahead of print. PMID:36375118.
Lannes R, Samur M, Perrot A, Mazzotti C, Divoux M, Cazaubiel T, Leleu X,Schavgoulidze A, Chretien ML, Manier S, Adiko D, Orsini-Piocelle F, Lifermann F, Brechignac S, Gastaud L, Bouscary D, Macro M, Cleynen A, Mohty M, Munshi N, Corre J, Avet-Loiseau H. In Multiple Myeloma, High-Risk Secondary Genetic Events Observed at Relapse Are Present From Diagnosis in Tiny, Undetectable Subclonal Populations. J Clin Oncol. 2022 Nov 7:JCO2101987. doi: 10.1200/JCO.21.01987.Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36343306.
Leleu X, Martin T, Weisel K, Schjesvold F, Iida S, Malavasi F, Manier S,Chang-Ki Min, Ocio EM, Pawlyn C, Perrot A, Quach H, Richter J, Spicka I, Yong K,Richardson PG. Anti-CD38 antibody therapy for patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: differential mechanisms of action and recent clinical trial outcomes. Ann Hematol. 2022 Oct;101(10):2123-2137. Doi: 10.1007/s00277-022-04917-5. Epub 2022 Aug 9. PMID: 35943588; PMCID: PMC9463192.
Roussel M, Lauwers-Cances V, Macro M, Leleu X, Royer B, Hulin C, Karlin L,Perrot A, Touzeau C, Chrétien ML, Rigaudeau S, Dib M, Nicolas-Virelizier E,Escoffre-Barbe M, Belhadj K, Mariette C, Stoppa AM, Araujo C, Doyen C, Fontan J,Kolb B, Garderet L, Brechignac S, Malfuson JV, Jaccard A, Lenain P, Borel C,Hebraud B, Benbrahim O, Dorvaux V, Manier S, Augeul-Meunier K, Vekemans MC,Randriamalala E, Chaoui D, Caers J, Chaleteix C, Benboubker L, Vincent L,Glaisner S, Zunic P, Slama B, Eveillard JR, Humbrecht-Kraut C, Morel V, Mineur P, Eisenmann JC, Demarquette H, Richez V, Vignon M, Caillot D, Facon T, Moreau P, Colin AL, Olivier P, Wuilleme S, Avet-Loiseau H, Corre J, Attal M. Bortezomid and high-dose melphalan conditioning regimen in frontline multiple myeloma: an IFM randomized phase 3 study. Blood. 2022 May 5;139(18):2747-2757. doi: 10.1182/blood.2021014635. PMID: 35511184.
Touzeau C, Perrot A, Roussel M, Karlin L, Benboubker L, Jacquet C, Mohty M,Facon T, Manier S, Chretien ML, Tiab M, Hulin C, Leleu X, Loiseau HA, Dejoie T,Planche L, Attal M, Moreau P. All-oral triplet combination of ixazomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone in newly diagnosed transplant-eligible multiple myeloma patients: final results of the phase II IFM 2013-06 study. Haematologica. 2022 Jul 1;107(7):1693-1697. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2021.280394.PMID: 35172566; PMCID: PMC9244819.
Cazaubiel T, Leleu X, Perrot A, Manier S, Buisson L, Maheo S, Do Souto Ferreira L, Lannes R, Pavageau L, Hulin C, Marolleau JP, Voillat L, Belhadj K, Divoux M, Slama B, Brechignac S, Macro M, Stoppa AM, Sanhes L, Orsini-Piocelle F, Fontan J, Chretien ML, Demarquette H, Mohty M, Schavgoulidze A, Avet-Loiseau H, Corre J. Primary plasma cell leukemias displaying t(11;14) have specific genomic, transcriptional, and clinical features. Blood. 2022 Apr 28;139(17):2666-2672. doi: 10.1182/blood.2021014968. PMID: 35171994.
Manier S, Ingegnere T, Escure G, Prodhomme C, Nudel M, Mitra S, Facon T.Current state and next-generation CAR-T cells in multiple myeloma. Blood Rev. 2022 Jul;54:100929. doi: 10.1016/j.blre.2022.100929. Epub 2022 Jan 21. PMID: 35131139.
Manier S, Jurczyszyn A, Vesole DH. Bridging Chemotherapy: Multiple Myeloma. 2022 Feb 7. In: Kröger N, Gribben J, Chabannon C, Yakoub-Agha I, Einsele H, editors. The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2022. Chapter 24. PMID: 36122072.
Facon T, Cook G, Usmani SZ, Hulin C, Kumar S, Plesner T, Touzeau C, Bahlis NJ, Basu S, Nahi H, Goldschmidt H, Quach H, Mohty M, Venner CP, Weisel K, Raje N, Hebraud B, Belhadj-Merzoug K, Benboubker L, Decaux O, Manier S, Caillot D, Ukropec J, Pei H, Van Rampelbergh R, Uhlar CM, Kobos R, Zweegman S. Daratumumab plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone in transplant-ineligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: frailty subgroup analysis of MAIA. Leukemia. 2022 Apr;36(4):1066-1077. doi: 10.1038/s41375-021-01488-8. Epub 2022 Jan 2. PMID: 34974527; PMCID: PMC8979809.
Escure G, Manier S. Myélome multiple et anticorps bispécifiques [Bispecific antibodies in multiple myeloma]. Bull Cancer. 2021 Oct;108(10S):S205-S212. French. doi: 10.1016/j.bulcan.2021.10.003. PMID: 34920804.
Broussais F, Bay JO, Boissel N, Baruchel A, Arnulf B, Morschhauser F, Robin M, Guepin GR, Moreau P, Gandemer V, Manier S, Leguay T, Nguyen Quoc S, Schwartzmann A, Houot R, Le Gouill S. DESCAR-T, le registre national des patients traités par CAR-T Cells [DESCAR-T, a nationwide registry for patient treated by CAR-T Cells in France]. Bull Cancer. 2021 Oct;108(10S):S143-S154.French. doi: 10.1016/j.bulcan.2021.07.002. PMID: 34920797.
Nsiala L, Bobin A, Levy A, Gruchet C, Sabirou F, Gardeney H, Cailly L, Manier S, Moya N, Tomowiak C, Guidez S, Leleu X, Decaux O. Smoldering multiple myeloma: biology, clinical manifestations and management. Leuk Lymphoma. 2022 Mar;63(3):518-529. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2021.1992615. Epub 2021 Oct 21. PMID: 34672244.
Regnault, R, Kouach, M, Goossens, L, Thuru, X, Bailly, C, Goossens, J-F. Mono- and bis-edaravone adducts formed in the presence of vanillin in an aqueous solution. Sep Sci plus. 2022; 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1002/sscp.202200031
Leleu-Chavain N, Regnault R, Ahouari H, Le Biannic R, Kouach M, Klupsch F, Magnez R, Vezin H, Thuru X, Bailly C, Goossens JF, Millet R. Antioxidant Properties and Aldehyde Reactivity of PD-L1 Targeted Aryl-Pyrazolone Anticancer Agents. Molecules. 2022 May 21;27(10):3316. doi: 10.3390/molecules27103316. PMID: 35630791; PMCID: PMC9143004.
Le Biannic R, Magnez R, Klupsch F, Leleu-Chavain N, Thiroux B, Tardy M, El Bouazzati H, Dezitter X, Renault N, Vergoten G, Bailly C, Quesnel B, Thuru X, Millet R. Pyrazolones as inhibitors of immune checkpoint blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction. Eur J Med Chem. 2022 Jun 5;236:114343. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2022.114343. Epub 2022 Apr 4. PMID: 35429911.
Trouvilliez S, Cicero J, Lévêque R, Aubert L, Corbet C, Van Outryve A, Streule K, Angrand PO, Völkel P, Magnez R, Brysbaert G, Mysiorek C, Gosselet F, Bourette R, Adriaenssens E, Thuru X, Lagadec C, de Ruyck J, Orian-Rousseau V, Le Bourhis X, Toillon RA. Direct interaction of TrkA/CD44v3 is essential for NGF-promoted aggressiveness of breast cancer cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Mar 28;41(1):110. doi: 10.1186/s13046-022-02314-4. PMID: 35346305; PMCID: PMC8962522.
Coku I, Mutez E, Eddarkaoui S, Carrier S, Marchand A, Deldycke C, Goveas L, Baille G, Tir M, Magnez R, Thuru X, Vermeersch G, Vandenberghe W, Buée L, Defebvre L, Sablonnière B, Chartier-Harlin MC, Taymans JM, Huin V. Functional Analyses of Two Novel LRRK2 Pathogenic Variants in Familial Parkinson’s Disease. Mov Disord. 2022 Jun 16. doi: 10.1002/mds.29124. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35708213.
Marchand A, Sarchione A, Athanasopoulos PS, Roy HB, Goveas L, Magnez R, Drouyer M, Emanuele M, Ho FY, Liberelle M, Melnyk P, Lebègue N, Thuru X, Nichols RJ, Greggio E, Kortholt A, Galli T, Chartier-Harlin MC, Taymans JM. A Phosphosite Mutant Approach on LRRK2 Links Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation to Protective and Deleterious Markers, Respectively. Cells. 2022 Mar 17;11(6):1018. doi: 10.3390/cells11061018. PMID: 35326469; PMCID: PMC8946913.
Shaik FA*, Lewuillon C*, Guillemette A, Ahmadian B, Brinster C, Quesnel B, Collard D, Touil Y*, Lemonnier L*, Tarhan MC*. Pairing cells of different sizes in a microfluidic device for immunological synapse monitoring. Lab Chip. 2022 Mar 1;22(5):908-920. doi: 10.1039/d1lc01156a. PMID: 35098952.
Gonzales F, Guilmatre A, Barthélémy A, Pottier N, Lapillonne H, Leverger G, Petit A, Cheok MH. Ex vivo drug sensitivity profiling guided treatment of a relapsed pediatric mixed-phenotype acute leukemia with venetoclax and azacitidine Pediatric. Pediatric Blood & Cancers. 2022; accepted 07.Mar. 2022
Farfariello V, Gordienko DV, Mesilmany L, Touil Y, Germain E, Fliniaux I, Desruelles E, Gkika D, Roudbaraki M, Shapovalov G, Noyer L, Lebas M, Allart L, Zienthal-Gelus N, Iamshanova O, Bonardi F, Figeac M, Laine W, Kluza J, Marchetti P, Quesnel B, Metzger D, Bernard D, Parys JB, Lemonnier L, Prevarskaya N. TRPC3 shapes the ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer characterizing tumour-promoting senescence. Nat Commun. 2022 Feb 17;13(1):956. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28597-x. PMID: 35177596; PMCID: PMC8854551.
Lewuillon C*, Laguillaumie MO*, Quesnel B, Idziorek T*, Touil Y*, Lemonnier L*. Put in a « Ca2+ll » to Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cells. 2022 Feb 4;11(3):543. doi: 10.3390/cells11030543. PMID: 35159351; PMCID: PMC8834247.
Prognostic impact of ABCA3 expression in adult and pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: an ALFA-ELAM02 joint study. Ceraulo A, Lapillonne H, Cheok MH, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Terré C, Lambert J, Leverger G, Bertrand Y, Mortreux F, Wattel E. Blood Adv. 2022 Jan 10:bloodadvances.2021006040. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021006040.
Machine learning identifies the independent role of dysplasia in the prediction of response to chemotherapy in AML. Duchmann M, Wagner-Ballon O, Boyer T, Cheok M, Fournier E, Guerin E, Fenwarth L, Badaoui B, Freynet N, Benayoun E, Lusina D, Garcia I, Gardin C, Fenaux P, Pautas C, Quesnel B, Turlure P, Terré C, Thomas X, Lambert J, Renneville A, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Itzykson R, Cluzeau T. Leukemia. 2022 Mar;36(3):656-663.
Publications 2021
Kluza, J., Peugnet, V., Laine, W., Blanche, D., Kervoaze, G., Rémy, G., Loyens, A., Maboudou, P., Fovez, Q., Grangette, C., Wolowczuk, I., Gosset, P., Garçon, G., Marchetti, P., Pinet, F., Pichavant, M. and Dubois-Deruy, E.A new strategy to preserve and assess oxygen consumption in murine tissues.International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Clinically relevant oxygraphic assay to assess mitochondrial energy metabolism in acute myeloid leukemia patients. DOI: 10.3390/cancers13246353 . Fovez, Q., Laine, W., Goursaud, L., Berthon, C., Germain, N., Degand, C., Sarry, J.E., Quesnel, B., Marchetti, P. and Kluza, J.Cancers
Antimetabolic cooperativity with the clinically approved kidrolase and tyrosine kinase inhibitors to eradicate cml stem cells. DOI:10.1016/j.molmet.2021.101410 . Trinh, A., Khamari, R., Fovez, Q., Mahon, F.X., Turcq, B., Bouscary, D., Maboudou, P., Joncquel, M., Coiteux, V., Germain, N., Laine, W., Dekiouk, S., Ghesquiere, B., Idziorek, T., Quesne, Q., Kluza, J.*, Marchetti, P*. (* coseniorship author).Molecular Metabolism. 2021,101410.
p65/RelA NF-κB fragments generated by RIPK3 activity regulate tumorigenicity, cell metabolism, and stemness characteristics. DOI: 10.1002/jcb.30198 . Touil, Y., Latreche-Carton, C. , EL Bouazzati H., Nugues, A.L., Jouy, N., Thuru, X., Laine, W., Lepretre,F., Figeac, M., Tardivel, M., Kluza, J.; Idziorek, T. and Quesnel, B. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
Metabolic Targeting of Cancer by a Ubiquinone Uncompetitive Inhibitor of Mitochondrial Complex I. DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2021.11.002 . Jain, S., Hu, C., Kluza, J., Ke, W., Tian, G., Giurgiu, M., Bleilevens, A., Rosa Campos, A., Charbono, A., Stickeler, E., Maurer, J., Holinski-Feder, E., Vaisburg, A., Bureik, M., Luo, G., Marchetti, P., Cheng, Y. and Wolf D.A. Cell Chemical Biology. November 30, 2021.
Mitochondrial determinants of response and resistance to venetoclax plus cytarabine duplet therapy in acute myeloid leukemia. DOI: 10.1038/s43018-021-00264-y. Bosc, C., Saland, E., Bousard, A., Gadaud, N., Sabatier, N., Cognet, G., Farge, T., Boet, E., Gotanègre, M., Aroua, N., Mouchel, P.L., Larrue, C., Kaphan, E., Sahal, A., Jarrou, L., Tolosini, M., Rambow, F., Polley, N., Cabon, F., Nicot, N., Poillet-Perez, L., Su, X., Fovez, Q., Kluza, J., Argüello, R.F., Mazzotti, C., Avet-Loiseau, H., Vergez, F., Tamburini, J., Fournié, J.J., Wei, Kaoma, T., Marine, J-C., Récher, C., Stuani, L., Joffre, C. and Sarry, J-E. Nature Cancer, 2021; 2, p1204–1223 (2021)
Galiègue‐Zouitina S, Fu Q, Carton‐Latreche C, Poret N, Cheok M, Leprêtre F, Figeac M, Quesnel B, El Bouazzati H, Shelley CS. Bimodal expression of RHOH during myelomonocytic differentiation: Implications for the expansion of AML differentiation therapy. Eur J Haematol. https://doi.org/10.1002/jha2.128 online: 20 January 2021
Renosi F, Roggy A, Giguelay A, Soret L, Viailly PJ, Cheok M, Biichle S, Angelot-Delettre F, Asnafi V, Macintyre E, Geffroy S, Callanan M, Petrella T, Deconinck E, Daguindau E, Harrivel V, Bouyer S, Salaun V, Saussoy P, Feuillard J, Fuseau P, Saas P, Adotévi O, Jardin F, Ferrand C, Preudhomme C, Colinge J, Roumier C, Garnache-Ottou F. Transcriptomic and genomic heterogeneity in blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasms: from ontogeny to oncogenesis. Blood Adv. 2021 Mar 9;5(5):1540-1551.
Lin WY, Fordham SE, Hungate E, Sunter NJ, Elstob C, Xu Y, Park C, Quante A, Strauch K, Gieger C, Skol A, Rahman T, Sucheston-Campbell L, Wang J, Hahn T, Clay-Gilmour AI, Jones GL, Marr HJ, Jackson GH, Menne T, Collin M, Ivey A, Hills RK, Burnett AK, Russell NH, Fitzgibbon J, Larson RA, Le Beau MM, Stock W, Heidenreich O, Alharbi A, Allsup DJ, Houlston RS, Norden J, Dickinson AM, Douglas E, Lendrem C, Daly AK, Palm L, Piechocki K, Jeffries S, Bornhäuser M, Röllig C, Altmann H, Ruhnke L, Kunadt D, Wagenführ L, Cordell HJ, Darlay R, Andersen MK, Fontana MC, Martinelli G, Marconi G, Sanz MA, Cervera J, Gómez-Seguí I, Cluzeau T, Moreilhon C, Raynaud S, Sill H, Voso MT, Lo-Coco F, Dombret H, Cheok M, Preudhomme C, Gale RE, Linch D, Gaal-Wesinger J, Masszi A, Nowak D, Hofmann WK, Gilkes A, Porkka K, Milosevic Feenstra JD, Kralovics R, Grimwade D, Meggendorfer M, Haferlach T, Krizsán S, Bödör C, Stölzel F, Onel K, Allan JM. Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for acute myeloid leukemia. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 29;12(1):6233.
Zalmaï L, Viailly PJ, Biichle S, Cheok M, Soret L, Angelot-Delettre F, Petrella T, Collonge-Rame MA, Seilles E, Geffroy S, Deconinck E, Daguindau E, Bouyer S, Dindinaud E, Baunin V, Le Garff-Tavernier M, Roos-Weil D, Wagner-Ballon O, Salaun V, Feuillard J, Brun S, Drenou B, Mayeur-Rousse C, Okamba P, Dorvaux V, Tichionni M, Rose J, Rubio MT, Jacob MC, Raggueneau V, Preudhomme C, Saas P, Ferrand C, Adotevi O, Roumier C, Jardin F, Garnache-Ottou F, Renosi F. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells proliferation associated with acute myeloid leukemia: phenotype profile and mutation landscape. Haematologica. 2021 Dec 1;106(12):3056-3066.
Touil Y, Latreche-Carton C, Bouazzati HE, Nugues AL, Jouy N, Thuru X, Laine W, Lepretre F, Figeac M, Tardivel M, Kluza J, Idziorek T, Quesnel B. p65/RelA NF-κB fragments generated by RIPK3 activity regulate tumorigenicity, cell metabolism, and stemness characteristics. J Cell Biochem. 2021 Dec 20
Bailly C, Thuru X, Quesnel B .Modulation of the Gal-9/TIM-3 Immune Checkpoint with α-Lactose. Does Anomery of Lactose Matter? Cancers (Basel). 2021 Dec 18;13(24):6365
Sturbaut M, Bailly F, Coevoet M, Sileo P, Pugniere M, Liberelle M, Magnez R, Thuru X, Chartier-Harlin MC, Melnyk P, Gelin M, Allemand F, Guichou JF, Cotelle P. Discovery of a cryptic site at the interface 2 of TEAD – Towards a new family of YAP/TAZ-TEAD inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem. 2021 Dec 15;226:113835.
Stoup N, Liberelle M, Schulz C, Cavdarli S, Vasseur R, Magnez R, Lahdaoui F, Skrypek N, Peretti F, Frénois F, Thuru X, Melnyk P, Renault N, Jonckheere N, Lebègue N, Van Seuningen I. The EGF Domains of MUC4 Oncomucin Mediate HER2 Binding Affinity and Promote Pancreatic Cancer Cell Tumorigenesis. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Nov 16;13(22):5746.
Rico T, Gilles M, Chauderlier A, Comptdaer T, Magnez R, Chwastyniak M, Drobecq H, Pinet F, Thuru X, Buée L, Galas MC, Lefebvre B. Tau Stabilizes Chromatin Compaction. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Oct 14;9:740550.
Goossens JF, Thuru X, Bailly C. Properties and reactivity of the folic acid and folate photoproduct 6-formylpterin. Free Radic Biol Med. 2021 Aug 1;171:1-10.
Bailly C, Thuru X, Quesnel B. Soluble Programmed Death Ligand-1 (sPD-L1): A Pool of Circulating Proteins Implicated in Health and Diseases. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 17;13(12):3034.
Publications 2020
Mitochondrial alterations triggered by repeated exposure to fine (PM2.5-0.18) and quasi-ultrafine (PM0.18) fractions of ambient particulate matter. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105830 . Sotty, J., Kluza, J., De Sousa, C., Tardivel, M., Anthérieu, S., Alleman, L.Y., Canivet, L., Perdrix, E., Loyens, A., Marchetti, P., Lo Guidice, J.M. and Garçon, GEnviron Int. 2020 Sep;142:105830.
Paubelle E, Zylbersztejn F, Maciel TT, Carvalho C, Mupo A, Cheok M, Lieben L, Sujobert P, Decroocq J, Yokoyama A, Asnafi V, Macintyre E, Tamburini J, Bardet V, Castaigne S, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Carmeliet G, Bouscary D, Ginzburg YZ, de Thé H, Benhamou M, Monteiro RC, Vassiliou GS, Hermine O, Moura IC. Vitamin D Receptor Controls Cell Stemness in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and in Normal Bone Marrow. Cell Rep. 2020 Jan 21;30(3):739-754.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.12.055.
Nehme A, Dakik H, Picou F, Cheok M, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Lambert J, Gyan E, Pigneux A, Recher C, Bene MC, Gouilleux F, Zibara K, Herault O, Mazurier F.Horizontal meta-analysis identifies common deregulated genes across AML subgroups providing a robust prognostic signature. Blood Adv. 2020 Oct 27;4(20):5322-5335. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020002042.
Gaggero S, Witt K, Carlsten M#+ and Mitra S#+. Cytokines orchestrating the NK-myeloid cell crosstalk in the tumor microenvironment: Implications for NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Frontiers of Immunology, 2020. In press. #Equal senior authorships, +Corresponding authors.
Martinez-Fabregas J, Wang L, Pohler E, Cozzani A, Wilmes S, Kazemian M#+, Mitra S#+, Moraga I #+. CDK8 fine-tunes IL-6 transcriptional activities by limiting STAT3 resident time at the gene loci, Cell Reports, 2020 Dec 22;33(12):108545. #Equal senior authorships, +Corresponding authors.
Gorby C, Sotolongo Bellón J, Wilmes S, Warda W, Pohler E, Fyfe PK, Cozzani A, Ferrand C, Walter MR, Mitra S, Piehler J, Moraga I. Engineered IL-10 variants elicit potent immunomodulatory effects at low ligand doses. Sci Signal, 2020 Sep15;13(649)
Cerboni S, Gehrmann U, Preite S#, Mitra S#+. Cytokine‐regulated Th17 plasticity in human health and diseases. Immunology, 2020 Oct 16. #Equal senior authorships, +Corresponding authors.
Hermans D, Gautam S, García-Cañaveras JC, Gromer D, Mitra S, Spolski R, Li P, Christensen S, Lin JX, Oh J, Du N, Veenbergen S, Fioravanti J, Ebina-Shibuya R, Bleck C, Neckers LM, Rabinowitz JD, Gattinoni L, Leonard WJ. LDH Inhibition and IL-21 Synergistically Promote CD8+ T Stemness and Antitumor Immunity. PNAS, 2020 117 (11) 6047-6055.
Nasrallah R, Imianowski CJ, Bossini-Castillo L, Grant FM, Dogan M, Placek L, Kozhaya L, Kuo P, Sadiyah F, Whiteside SK, Mumbach MR, Glinos D, Vardaka P, Whyte CE, Lozano T, Fujita T, Fujii H, Liston A, Andrews S, Cozzani A, Yang J, Mitra S, Lugli E, Chang HY, Unutmaz D, Trynka G, Roychoudhuri R. A distal enhancer at risk locus 11q13.5 promotes suppression of colitis by Treg cells. Nature, 2020 Jul;583(7816):447-452
Christian Bailly, Xavier Thuru, Bruno Quesnel, Combined cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy of cancer: modern times, NAR Cancer, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2020, zcaa002, https://doi.org/10.1093/narcan/zcaa002
Bailly C, Hecquet PE, Kouach M, Thuru X, Goossens JF. Chemical reactivity and uses of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP), also known as edaravone. Bioorg Med Chem. 2020;28(10):115463. doi:10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115463
Ghinet A, Thuru X, Floquet E, Dubois J, Farce A, Rigo B. Enhanced antitumor potential induced by chloroacetate-loaded benzophenones acting as fused tubulin-pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDHK1) ligands. Bioorg Chem. 2020;96:103643. doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.103643
Romain, M., Thiroux, B., Tardy, M., Quesnel, B. and Thuru, X. (2020). Measurement of Protein-Protein Interactions through Microscale Thermophoresis (MST). Bio-protocol 10(7): e3574. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3574.
Smole T, Thuillier C, Boudry-Labis E, Dieux-Coeslier A, Duban-Bedu B, Caumes R, Bouquillon S, Manouvrier-Hanu S, Roche-Lestienne C, Ghoumid J: Neurodevelopmental phenotype associated with CHD8-SUPT16H duplication. Neurogenetics 2020, 21:67-72.
Touil Y, Segaoula Z, Thuru X, Galiègue-Zouitina S, Tierny D, Quesnel B. Aggressiveness Potential of Spontaneous Canine Mucosal Melanoma Can Dictate Distinct Cancer Stem Cell Compartment Behaviors in Regard to Their Initial Size and Expansion Abilities. Stem Cells Dev. 2020;29(14):919-928. doi:10.1089/scd.2019.0223
Rio-Machin A, Vulliamy T, Hug N, Walne A, Tawana K, Cardoso S, Ellison A, Pontikos N, Wang J, Tummala H, Al Seraihi AFH, Alnajar J, Bewicke-Copley F, Armes H, Barnett M, Bloor A, Bodor C, Bowen D, Fenaux P, Green A, Hallahan A, Hjorth-Hansen H, Hossain U, Killick S, Lawson S, Layton M, Male AM, Marsh J, Mehta P, Mous R, Nomdedeu JF, Owen C, Pavlu J, Payne EM, Protheroe RE, Preudhomme C, Pujol-Moix N, Renneville A, Russell N, Saggar A, Sciuccati G, Taussig D, Toze CL, Uyttebroeck A, Vandenberghe P, Schlegelberger B, Ripperger T, Steinemann D, Wu J, Mason J, Page P, Akiki S, Reay K, Cavenagh JD, Plagnol V, Caceres JF, Fitzgibbon J, Dokal I: The complex genetic landscape of familial MDS and AML reveals pathogenic germline variants. Nat Commun 2020, 11:1044.
Paubelle E, Zylbersztejn F, Maciel TT, Carvalho C, Mupo A, Cheok M, Lieben L, Sujobert P, Decroocq J, Yokoyama A, Asnafi V, Macintyre E, Tamburini J, Bardet V, Castaigne S, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Carmeliet G, Bouscary D, Ginzburg YZ, de The H, Benhamou M, Monteiro RC, Vassiliou GS, Hermine O, Moura IC: Vitamin D Receptor Controls Cell Stemness in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and in Normal Bone Marrow. Cell Rep 2020, 30:739-54 e4.
Manier S: On the road to molecular prognostication in SMM. Leukemia 2020, 34:331-2.
Hermans D, Gautam S, Garcia-Canaveras JC, Gromer D, Mitra S, Spolski R, Li P, Christensen S, Nguyen R, Lin JX, Oh J, Du N, Veenbergen S, Fioravanti J, Ebina-Shibuya R, Bleck C, Neckers LM, Rabinowitz JD, Gattinoni L, Leonard WJ: Lactate dehydrogenase inhibition synergizes with IL-21 to promote CD8(+) T cell stemness and antitumor immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020, 117:6047-55.
Gazeau N, Derrieux C, Nibourel O, Berthon C, Grardel N, Goursaud L, Boyer T, Dumezy F, Coiteux V, Quesnel B, Preudhomme C, Roche-Lestienne C, Duployez N: Disease escape with the selective loss of the Philadelphia chromosome after tyrosine kinase inhibitor exposure in Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 2020.
Fournier E, Duployez N, Ducourneau B, Raffoux E, Turlure P, Caillot D, Thomas X, Marceau-Renaut A, Chantepie S, Malfuson JV, Lemasle E, Cheok M, Celli-Lebras K, Guerin E, Terre C, Lambert J, Pautas C, Dombret H, Castaigne S, Preudhomme C, Boissel N: Mutational profile and benefit of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 2020, 135:542-6.
Fournier E, Debord C, Soenen V, Trillot N, Gonzales F, Tintiller V, Terriou L, Derrieux C, Abou Chahla W, Paris C, Berthon C, Boyer T, Lambilliotte A, Boisseau P, Wuilleme S, Fouassier M, Susen S, Preudhomme C, Duployez N: Baseline dysmegakaryopoiesis in inherited thrombocytopenia/platelet disorder with predisposition to haematological malignancies. Br J Haematol 2020.
Fenaux P, Platzbecker U, Mufti GJ, Garcia-Manero G, Buckstein R, Santini V, Diez-Campelo M, Finelli C, Cazzola M, Ilhan O, Sekeres MA, Falantes JF, Arrizabalaga B, Salvi F, Giai V, Vyas P, Bowen D, Selleslag D, DeZern AE, Jurcic JG, Germing U, Gotze KS, Quesnel B, Beyne-Rauzy O, Cluzeau T, Voso MT, Mazure D, Vellenga E, Greenberg PL, Hellstrom-Lindberg E, Zeidan AM, Ades L, Verma A, Savona MR, Laadem A, Benzohra A, Zhang J, Rampersad A, Dunshee DR, Linde PG, Sherman ML, Komrokji RS, List AF: Luspatercept in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes. N Engl J Med 2020, 382:140-51.
Facon T, Dimopoulos MA, Meuleman N, Belch A, Mohty M, Chen WM, Kim K, Zamagni E, Rodriguez-Otero P, Renwick W, Rose C, Tempescul A, Boyle E, Manier S, Attal M, Moreau P, Macro M, Leleu X, Lorraine Chretien M, Ludwig H, Guo S, Sturniolo M, Tinel A, Silvia Monzini M, Costa B, Houck V, Hulin C, Yves Mary J: A simplified frailty scale predicts outcomes in transplant-ineligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma treated in the FIRST (MM-020) trial. Leukemia 2020, 34:224-33.
Publications 2019
Fenwarth L, Duployez N, Thomas X, Boissel N, Geffroy S, Marceau-Renaut A, Caillot D, Raffoux E, Lemasle E, Marolleau JP, Berthon C, Cheok MH, Peyrouze P, Pigneux A, Vey N, Celli-Lebras K, Terré C, Preudhomme C, Dombret H. Clofarabine Improves Relapse-Free Survival of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Younger Adults with Micro-Complex Karyotype. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Dec 30;12(1).
Afzali B, Kim S, E. West E, E. Lamperti E, Cheru N, Nagashima H, Yan B, Freiwald T, Merle N, Chauss D, Bijlmakers M, Weitsman G, Yu Z, Jankovic D, Mitra S, Villarino A, Kemper C, Laurence A, Kazemian M, O’Shea J.J, John S. RNF144A shapes the hierarchy of cytokine signaling to provide protective immunity against influenza. bioRxiv, 2019. bioRxiv 782680
Lambert M., Alioui M., Jambon S., Depauw S., Van Seuningen I., David-Cordonnier M.-H. Direct and indirect targeting of HOXA9 transcription factor in acute myeloid leukemia. Cancers 2019, 11(6), 837-875.
Depauw S., Lambert M., Jambon S., Paul A., Peixoto P., Nhili R., Marongiu L., Figeac M., Dassi C., Paul-Constant C., Billoré B., Kumar A., Farahat A.A., Ismail M.A., Mineva E., Sweat D.P., Stephens C.E., Boykin D.W., Wilson W.D., David-Cordonnier M.-H. Heterocyclic Diamidine DNA ligands as HOXA9 Transcription Factor Inhibitors: Design, Molecular Evaluation and Cellular Consequences in HOXA9-Dependant Leukemia Cell Model. J. Med. Chem., 2019 Feb 14;62(3):1306-1329.
Liberelle, M., R. Magnez, X. Thuru, Y. Bencheikh, S. Ravez, C. Quenon, A. S. Drucbert, C. Foulon, P. Melnyk, I. V. Seuningen, and N. Lebegue. 2019. ‘MUC4-ErbB2 Oncogenic Complex: Binding studies using Microscale Thermophoresis’, Sci Rep, 9: 16678.
Lucescu, L., A. Ghinet, S. Shova, R. Magnez, X. Thuru, A. Farce, B. Rigo, D. Belei, J. Dubois, and E. Bicu. 2019. ‘Exploring isoxazoles and pyrrolidinones decorated with the 4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazine unit as human farnesyltransferase inhibitors’, Arch Pharm (Weinheim), 352: e1800227.
Germain, N., Dessein, AF., Vienne,JC., Dobbelaere, D., Mention,K., Joncquel,M., Dekiouk, S., Laine, W., Kluza, J.*, and Marchetti, P.*. First-line screening of OXPHOS deficiencies using microscale oxygraphy in human skin fibroblasts: a preliminary study. (* coseniorship author)
Martinez-Fabregas J, Wilmes S, Wang L, Hafer M, Pohler E, Lokau J, Garbers C, Cozzani A, Piehler J, Kazemian M, Mitra S, Moraga Gonzalez I. Kinetics of cytokine receptor trafficking determine signaling and functional selectivity. Elife. 2019 Nov 27;8. pii: e49314. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49314. [Epub ahead of print]
Van de Wyngaert Z, Carpentier B, Pascal L, Lionne-Huyghe P, Leduc I, Srour M, Vasseur M, Demarquette H, Terriou L, Herbaux C, Manier S, Bossard JB, Barbieux S, Chauvet P, Willaume A, Nudel M, Bories C, Gibier JB, Facon T, Boyle EM. Daratumumab is effective in the relapsed or refractory systemic light-chain amyloidosis but associated with high infection burden in a frail real-life population. Br J Haematol. 2019 Nov 19. doi: 10.1111/bjh.16282.
Manier S. On the road to molecular prognostication in SMM. Leukemia. 2019 Nov 12. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0627-1.
Facon T, Dimopoulos MA, Meuleman N, Belch A, Mohty M, Chen WM, Kim K, Zamagni E, Rodriguez-Otero P, Renwick W, Rose C, Tempescul A, Boyle E, Manier S, Attal M, Moreau P, Macro M, Leleu X, Lorraine Chretien M, Ludwig H, Guo S, Sturniolo M, Tinel A, Silvia Monzini M, Costa B, Houck V, Hulin C, Yves Mary J. Leukemia. 2019 Aug 19. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0539-0.
Jovanović KK, Escure G, Demonchy J, Willaume A, Van de Wyngaert Z, Farhat M, Chauvet P, Facon T, Quesnel B, Manier S. Deregulation and Targeting of TP53 Pathway in Multiple Myeloma. Front Oncol. 2019 Jan 9;8:665. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2018.00665. eCollection 2018. Review.
Boyer T, Gonzales F, Barthélémy A, Marceau-Renaut A, Peyrouze P, Guihard S, Lepelley P, Plesa A, Nibourel O, Delattre C, Wetterwald M, Pottier N, Plantier I, Botton S, Dombret H, Berthon C, Preudhomme C, Roumier C, Cheok M. Clinical Significance of ABCB1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Comprehensive Study. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Sep 6;11(9). pii: E1323. doi: 10.3390/cancers11091323.
Moreno Leon L, Gautier M, Allan R, Ilié M, Nottet N, Pons N, Paquet A, Lebrigand K, Truchi M, Fassy J, Magnone V, Kinnebrew G, Radovich M, Cheok MH, Barbry P, Vassaux G, Marquette CH, Ponzio G, Ivan M, Pottier N, Hofman P, Mari B, Rezzonico R. Oncogene. 2019 Nov;38(46):7146-7165. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0935-y. Epub 2019 Aug 15.
Publications 2018
Lambert M., Jambon S., Depauw S., David-Cordonnier M.-H. Targeting transcription factors for cancer treatment. Molecules, 2018 Jun 19;23(6), pii:E1479., doi: 10.3390/molecules23061479.
Irena Sović*, Samy Jambon, Sandra Kraljević Pavelić, Elitza Markova-Car, Nataša Ilić, Sabine Depauw, Marie-Hélène David-Cordonnier*, Grace Karminski-Zamola. Synthesis, antitumor activity and DNA binding features of benzothiazolyl and benzimidazolyl substituted isoindolines. Bioorg. Med. Chem, 2018, 26(8), 1950-1960. (*co-corresponding author)
Segaoula, Z., A. Primot, F. Lepretre, B. Hedan, E. Bouchaert, K. Minier, L. Marescaux, F. Serres, S. Galiegue-Zouitina, C. Andre, B. Quesnel, X. Thuru, and D. Tierny. 2018. ‘Isolation and characterization of two canine melanoma cell lines: new models for comparative oncology’, BMC Cancer, 18: 1219.
Leclercq, B., Kluza, J., Antherieu, S., Sotty, J., Alleman, LY., Coddeville, P. Lo Guidice, JM., Marchetti, P., Garçon, G. Mitochondrion : a sensitive target for the toxicity of healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased human bonchial epithelial cells repedtedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM2.5. Environ Pollut. 2018 ; 243(Pt B):1434-1449.
Quesnel B. CAR T-cells: A John von Neumann legacy? Curr Res Transl Med. 2018.
Sović I, Jambon S, Kraljević Pavelić S, Markova-Car E, Ilić N, Depauw S, David-Cordonnier MH, Karminski-Zamola G. Synthesis, antitumor activity and DNA binding features of benzothiazolyl and benzimidazolyl substituted isoindolines. Bioorg Med Chem. 2018.
Gibault F, Coevoet M, Sturbaut M, Farce A, Renault N, Allemand F, Guichou JF, Drucbert AS, Foulon C, Magnez R, Thuru X, Corvaisier M, Huet G, Chavatte P, Melnyk P, Bailly F, Cotelle P. Toward the Discovery of a Novel Class of YAP⁻TEAD Interaction Inhibitors by Virtual Screening Approach Targeting YAP⁻TEAD Protein⁻Protein Interface. Cancers (Basel). 2018.
Khamari R, Trinh A, Gabert PE, Corazao-Rozas P, Riveros-Cruz S, Balayssac S, Malet-Martino M, Dekiouk S, Joncquel Chevalier Curt M, Maboudou P, Garçon G, Ravasi L, Guerreschi P, Mortier L, Quesnel B, Marchetti P, Kluza J. Glucose metabolism and NRF2 coordinate the antioxidant response in melanoma resistant to MAPK inhibitors. Cell Death Dis. 2018.
Cindrić M, Perić M, Kralj M, Martin-Kleiner I, David-Cordonnier MH, Paljetak HČ, Matijašić M, Verbanac D, Karminski-Zamola G, Hranjec M. Antibacterial and antiproliferative activity of novel 2-benzimidazolyl- and 2-benzothiazolyl-substituted benzo[b]thieno-2-carboxamides. Mol Divers. 2018.
Marinangeli C, Kluza J, Marchetti P, Buée L, Vingtdeux V. Study of AMPK-Regulated Metabolic Fluxes in Neurons Using the Seahorse XFe Analyzer. Methods Mol Biol. 2018.
Dumontet C, Hulin C, Dimopoulos MA, Belch A, Dispenzieri A, Ludwig H, Rodon P, Van Droogenbroeck J, Qiu L, Cavo M, Van de Velde A, Lahuerta JJ, Allangba O, Lee JH, Boyle E, Perrot A, Moreau P, Manier S, Attal M, Roussel M, Mohty M, Mary JY, Civet A, Costa B, Tinel A, Gaston-Mathé Y, Facon T. A predictive model for risk of early grade ≥ 3 infection in patients with multiple myeloma not eligible for transplant: analysis of the FIRST trial. Leukemia. 2018.
Kurdi AT, Glavey SV, Bezman NA, Jhatakia A, Guerriero JL, Manier S, Moschetta M, Mishima Y, Roccaro A, Detappe A, Liu CJ, Sacco A, Huynh D, Tai YT, Robbins MD, Azzi J, Ghobrial IM. Antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis by macrophages is a novel mechanism of action of elotuzumab. Mol Cancer Ther. 2018.
Kawano Y, Zavidij O, Park J, Moschetta M, Kokubun K, Mouhieddine TH, Manier S, Mishima Y, Murakami N, Bustoros M, Pistofidis RS, Reidy M, Shen YJ, Rahmat M, Lukyanchykov P, Karreci ES, Tsukamoto S, Shi J, Takagi S, Huynh D, Sacco A, Tai YT, Chesi M, Bergsagel PL, Roccaro AM, Azzi J, Ghobrial IM. Blocking IFNAR1 inhibits multiple myeloma-driven Treg expansion and immunosuppression. J Clin Invest. 2018.
Takagi S, Tsukamoto S, Park J, Johnson KE, Kawano Y, Moschetta M, Liu CJ, Mishima Y, Kokubun K, Manier S, Salem K, Huynh D, Sacco A, Forward JA, Roccaro A, Battinelli EM, Ghobrial IM. Platelets enhance Multiple Myeloma progression via IL-1beta upregulation. Clin Cancer Res. 2018.
Prata PH, Bally C, Prebet T, Recher C, Venton G, Thomas X, Raffoux E, Pigneux A, Cluzeau T, Desoutter J, Gay J, Preudhomme C, Fenaux P, Adès L. NPM1 mutation is not associated with prolonged complete remission in acute myeloid leukemia patients treated with hypomethylating agents. Haematologica. 2018.
Renneville A, Attias P, Thomas X, Bally C, Hayette S, Farhat H, Eclache V, Marceau-Renaut A, Cassinat B, Feuillard J, Terré C, Delabesse E, Park S, Lejeune J, Chevret S, Adès L, Preudhomme C, Fenaux P. Genetic analysis of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms occurring after intensive treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2018.
Duchmann M, Yalniz FF, Sanna A, Sallman D, Coombs CC, Renneville A, Kosmider O, Braun T, Platzbecker U, Willems L, Adès L, Fontenay M, Rampal R, Padron E, Droin N, Preudhomme C, Santini V, Patnaik MM, Fenaux P, Solary E, Itzykson R. Prognostic Role of Gene Mutations in Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia Patients Treated With Hypomethylating Agents. EBioMedicine. 2018.
Donadieu J, Lamant M, Fieschi C, Sicre de Fontbrune F, Caye A, Ouachee M, Beaupain B, Bustamante J, Poirel HA, Isidor B, Van Den Neste E, Neel A, Nimubona S, Toutain F, Barlogis V, Schleinitz N, Leblanc T, Rohrlich P, Suarez F, Ranta D, Abou Chahla W, Bruno B, Terriou L, Francois S, Lioure B, Ahle G, Bachelerie F, Preudhomme C, Delabesse E, Cavé H, Bellanné-Chantelot C, Pasquet M; French GATA2 working party. Natural history of GATA2 deficiency in a survey of 79 French and Belgian patients. Haematologica. 2018.
Itzykson R, Duployez N, Fasan A, Decool G, Marceau-Renaut A, Meggendorfer M, Jourdan E, Petit A, Lapillonne H, Micol JB, Cornillet-Lefebvre P, Ifrah N, Leverger G, Dombret H, Boissel N, Haferlach T, Preudhomme C. Clonal interference of signaling mutations holds prognostic relevance in core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2018.
Boyer T, Gonzales F, Plesa A, Peyrouze P, Barthelemy A, Guihard S, Quesnel B, Roumier C, Preudhomme C, Cheok M. Flow Cytometry to Estimate Leukemia Stem Cells in Primary Acute Myeloid Leukemia and in Patient-derived-xenografts, at Diagnosis and Follow Up. J Vis Exp. 2018.
Ali A, Penneroux J, Dal Bello R Jr, Massé A, Quentin S, Unnikrishnan A, Hernandez L, Raffoux E, Ben Abdelali R, Renneville A, Preudhomme C, Pimanda J, Dombret H, Soulier J, Fenaux P, Clappier E, Adès L, Puissant A, Itzykson R. Granulomonocytic progenitors are key target cells of azacytidine in higher risk myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia. 2018.
Willekens C, Renneville A, Broutin S, Saada V, Micol JB, Delahousse J, Poinsignon V, Bories C, Berthon C, Itzykson R, Boissel N, Quivoron C, Terroir-Cassou-Mounat M, Bosq J, Preudhomme C, Paci A, Penard-Lacronique V, De Botton S. Mutational profiling of isolated myeloid sarcomas and utility of serum 2HG as biomarker of IDH1/2 mutations. Leukemia. 2018.
Ferret Y, Boissel N, Helevaut N, Madic J, Nibourel O, Marceau-Renaut A, Bucci M, Geffroy S, Celli-Lebras K, Castaigne S, Thomas X, Terré C, Dombret H, Preudhomme C, Renneville A. Clinical relevance of IDH1/2 mutant allele burden during follow-up in acute myeloid leukemia. A study by the French ALFA group. Haematologica. 2018.
Duployez N, Boudry-Labis E, Roumier C, Boissel N, Petit A, Geffroy S, Helevaut N, Celli-Lebras K, Terré C, Fenneteau O, Cuccuini W, Luquet I, Lapillonne H, Lacombe C, Cornillet P, Ifrah N, Dombret H, Leverger G, Jourdan E, Preudhomme C. SNP-array lesions in core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia. Oncotarget. 2018.
Schuurhuis GJ, Heuser M, Freeman S, Bene MC, Buccisano F, Cloos J, Grimwade D, Haferlach T, Hills RK, Hourigan CS, Jorgensen JL, Kern W, Lacombe F, Maurillo L, Preudhomme C, van der Reijden BA, Thiede C, Venditti A, Vyas P, Wood BL, Walter RB, Dohner K, Roboz GJ, Ossenkoppele GJ. Minimal/measurable residual disease in AML: consensus document from ELN MRD Working Party. Blood. 2018.
Petit A, Trinquand A, Chevret S, Ballerini P, Cayuela JM, Grardel N, Touzart A, Brethon B, Lapillonne H, Schmitt C, Thouvenin S, Michel G, Preudhomme C, Soulier J, Landman-Parker J, Leverger G, Macintyre E, Baruchel A, Asnafi V. Oncogenetic mutations combined with MRD improve outcome prediction in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2018.
Marino P, Touzani R, Perrier L, Rouleau E, Kossi DS, Zhaomin Z, Charrier N, Goardon N, Preudhomme C, Durand-Zaleski I, Borget I, Baffert S. Cost of cancer diagnosis using next-generation sequencing targeted gene panels in routine practice: a nationwide French study. Eur J Hum Genet. 2018.
Marchetti P, Trinh A, Khamari R, Kluza J. Melanoma metabolism contributes to the cellular responses to MAPK/ERK pathway inhibitors. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018.
Manier SK, Richter LHJ, Schaper J, Maurer HH, Meyer MR. Different in vitro and in vivo tools for elucidating the human metabolism of alpha-cathinone-derived drugs of abuse. Drug Test Anal. 2018.
Duployez N, Abou Chahla W, Lejeune S, Marceau-Renaut A, Letizia G, Boyer T, Geffroy S, Peyrouze P, Grardel N, Nelken B, Michel G, Bertrand Y, Preudhomme C. Detection of a new heterozygous germline ETV6 mutation in a case with hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Eur J Haematol. 2018.
Takagi S, Tsukamoto S, Park J, Johnson KE, Kawano Y, Moschetta M, Liu CJ, Mishima Y, Kokubun K, Manier S, Salem K, Huynh D, Sacco A, Forward JA, Roccaro A, Battinelli EM, Ghobrial IM. Platelets enhance Multiple Myeloma progression via IL-1beta upregulation. Clin Cancer Res. 2018.
Schuurhuis GJ, Heuser M, Freeman S, Bene MC, Buccisano F, Cloos J, Grimwade D, Haferlach T, Hills RK, Hourigan CS, Jorgensen JL, Kern W, Lacombe F, Maurillo L, Preudhomme C, van der Reijden BA, Thiede C, Venditti A, Vyas P, Wood BL, Walter RB, Dohner K, Roboz GJ, Ossenkoppele GJ. Minimal/measurable residual disease in AML: consensus document from ELN MRD Working Party. Blood. 2018.
Petit A, Trinquand A, Chevret S, Ballerini P, Cayuela JM, Grardel N, Touzart A, Brethon B, Lapillonne H, Schmitt C, Thouvenin S, Michel G, Preudhomme C, Soulier J, Landman-Parker J, Leverger G, Macintyre E, Baruchel A, Asnafi V. Oncogenetic mutations combined with MRD improve outcome prediction in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2018;131(3):289-300.
Marino P, Touzani R, Perrier L, Rouleau E, Kossi DS, Zhaomin Z, Charrier N, Goardon N, Preudhomme C, Durand-Zaleski I, Borget I, Baffert S. Cost of cancer diagnosis using next-generation sequencing targeted gene panels in routine practice: a nationwide French study. Eur J Hum Genet. 2018.
Marchetti P, Trinh A, Khamari R, Kluza J. Melanoma metabolism contributes to the cellular responses to MAPK/ERK pathway inhibitors. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018;1862(4):999-1005.
Manier SK, Richter LHJ, Schaper J, Maurer HH, Meyer MR. Different in vitro and in vivo tools for elucidating the human metabolism of alpha-cathinone-derived drugs of abuse. Drug Test Anal. 2018.
Duployez N, Abou Chahla W, Lejeune S, Marceau-Renaut A, Letizia G, Boyer T, Geffroy S, Peyrouze P, Grardel N, Nelken B, Michel G, Bertrand Y, Preudhomme C. Detection of a new heterozygous germline ETV6 mutation in a case with hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Eur J Haematol. 2018;100(1):104-107.
Publications 2017
Vial Y, Lachenaud J, Verloes A, Besnard M, Fenneteau O, Lainey E, Marceau-Renaut A, Preudhomme C, Baruchel A, Cave H, Drunat S. Down-syndrome-like acute megakaryoblastic leukemia in a patient with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Haematologica. 2017.
Thomas X, de Botton S, Chevret S, Caillot D, Raffoux E, Lemasle E, Marolleau JP, Berthon C, Pigneux A, Vey N, Reman O, Simon M, Recher C, Cahn JY, Hermine O, Castaigne S, Celli-Lebras K, Ifrah N, Preudhomme C, Terre C, Dombret H. Randomized Phase II Study of Clofarabine-Based Consolidation for Younger Adults With Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Remission. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35(11):1223-1230.
Teyssier AC, Lapillonne H, Pasquet M, Ballerini P, Baruchel A, Ducassou S, Fenneteau O, Petit A, Cuccuini W, Ragu C, Preudhomme C, Mercher T, Sirvent N, Leverger G. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (excluding Down syndrome) remains an acute myeloid subgroup with inferior outcome in the French ELAM02 trial. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2017;34(8):425-427.
Tawana K, Rio-Machin A, Preudhomme C, Fitzgibbon J. Familial CEBPA-mutated acute myeloid leukemia. Semin Hematol. 2017;54(2):87-93.
Struski S, Lagarde S, Bories P, Puiseux C, Prade N, Cuccuini W, Pages MP, Bidet A, Gervais C, Lafage-Pochitaloff M, Roche-Lestienne C, Barin C, Penther D, Nadal N, Radford-Weiss I, Collonge-Rame MA, Gaillard B, Mugneret F, Lefebvre C, Bart-Delabesse E, Petit A, Leverger G, Broccardo C, Luquet I, Pasquet M, Delabesse E. NUP98 is rearranged in 3.8% of pediatric AML forming a clinical and molecular homogenous group with a poor prognosis. Leukemia. 2017;31(3):565-572.
Selimoglu-Buet D, Badaoui B, Benayoun E, Toma A, Fenaux P, Quesnel B, Etienne G, Braun T, Abermil N, Morabito M, Droin N, Solary E, Wagner-Ballon O. Accumulation of classical monocytes defines a subgroup of MDS that frequently evolves into CMML. Blood. 2017;130(6):832-835.
Salson M, Giraud M, Caillault A, Grardel N, Duployez N, Ferret Y, Duez M, Herbert R, Rocher T, Sebda S, Quief S, Villenet C, Figeac M, Preudhomme C. High-throughput sequencing in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Follow-up of minimal residual disease and emergence of new clones. Leuk Res. 2017;53:1-7.
Sacco A, Kawano Y, Moschetta M, Zavidij O, Huynh D, Reagan M, Mishima Y, Manier S, Park J, Morgan E, Takagi S, Wong KK, Carrasco R, Ghobrial IM, Roccaro AM. A novel in vivo model for studying conditional dual loss of BLIMP-1 and p53 in B-cells, leading to tumor transformation. Am J Hematol. 2017;92(8):E138-E145.
Poulain S, Roumier C, Bertrand E, Renneville A, Caillault-Venet A, Doye E, Geffroy S, Sebda S, Nibourel O, Nudel M, Herbaux C, Renaud L, Tomowiak C, Guidez S, Tricot S, Roche-Lestienne C, Quesnel B, Preudhomme C, Leleu X. TP53 Mutation and Its Prognostic Significance in Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia. Clin Cancer Res. 2017;23(20):6325-6335.
Nibourel O, Guihard S, Roumier C, Pottier N, Terre C, Paquet A, Peyrouze P, Geffroy S, Quentin S, Alberdi A, Abdelali RB, Renneville A, Demay C, Celli-Lebras K, Barbry P, Quesnel B, Castaigne S, Dombret H, Soulier J, Preudhomme C, Cheok MH. Copy-number analysis identified new prognostic marker in acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia. 2017;31(3):555-564.
Mohamed AM, Balsat M, Koering C, Maucort-Boulch D, Boissel N, Payen-Gay L, Cheok M, Mortada H, Auboeuf D, Pinatel C, El-Hamri M, Tigaud I, Hayette S, Dumontet C, Cros E, Flandrin-Gresta P, Nibourel O, Preudhomme C, Thomas X, Nicolini FE, Solly F, Guyotat D, Campos L, Michallet M, Ceraulo A, Mortreux F, Wattel E. TET2 exon 2 skipping is an independent favorable prognostic factor for cytogenetically normal acute myelogenous leukemia (AML): TET2 exon 2 skipping in AML. Leuk Res. 2017;56:21-28.
Mishima Y, Paiva B, Shi J, Park J, Manier S, Takagi S, Massoud M, Perilla-Glen A, Aljawai Y, Huynh D, Roccaro AM, Sacco A, Capelletti M, Detappe A, Alignani D, Anderson KC, Munshi NC, Prosper F, Lohr JG, Ha G, Freeman SS, Van Allen EM, Adalsteinsson VA, Michor F, San Miguel JF, Ghobrial IM. The Mutational Landscape of Circulating Tumor Cells in Multiple Myeloma. Cell Rep. 2017;19(1):218-224.
Minnema MC, Kimby E, D’Sa S, Fornecker LM, Poulain S, Snijders TJ, Kastritis E, Kremer S, Fitsiori A, Simon L, Davi F, Lunn M, Castillo JJ, Patterson CJ, Le Garff-Tavernier M, Costopoulos M, Leblond V, Kersten MJ, Dimopoulos MA, Treon SP. Guideline for the diagnosis, treatment and response criteria for Bing-Neel syndrome. Haematologica. 2017;102(1):43-51.
Micol JB, Pastore A, Inoue D, Duployez N, Kim E, Lee SC, Durham BH, Chung YR, Cho H, Zhang XJ, Yoshimi A, Krivtsov A, Koche R, Solary E, Sinha A, Preudhomme C, Abdel-Wahab O. ASXL2 is essential for haematopoiesis and acts as a haploinsufficient tumour suppressor in leukemia. Nat Commun. 2017;8:15429.Meunier M, Ancelet S, Lefebvre C, Arnaud J, Garrel C, Pezet M, Wang Y, Faure P, Szymanski G, Duployez N, Preudhomme C, Biard D, Polack B, Cahn JY, Moulis JM, Park S. Reactive oxygen species levels control NF-kappaB activation by low dose deferasirox in erythroid progenitors of low risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Oncotarget. 2017;8(62):105510-105524.
Manier S, Salem KZ, Park J, Landau DA, Getz G, Ghobrial IM. Genomic complexity of multiple myeloma and its clinical implications. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2017;14(2):100-113.
Manier S, Powers JT, Sacco A, Glavey SV, Huynh D, Reagan MR, Salem KZ, Moschetta M, Shi J, Mishima Y, Roche-Lestienne C, Leleu X, Roccaro AM, Daley GQ, Ghobrial IM. The LIN28B/let-7 axis is a novel therapeutic pathway in multiple myeloma. Leukemia. 2017;31(4):853-860.
Manier S, Liu CJ, Avet-Loiseau H, Park J, Shi J, Campigotto F, Salem KZ, Huynh D, Glavey SV, Rivotto B, Sacco A, Roccaro AM, Bouyssou J, Minvielle S, Moreau P, Facon T, Leleu X, Weller E, Trippa L, Ghobrial IM. Prognostic role of circulating exosomal miRNAs in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2017;129(17):2429-2436.
Manier S, Leleu X, Avet-Loiseau H. [Circulating exosomal microRNA as biomarkers in mutiple myeloma]. Med Sci (Paris). 2017;33(11):939-941.
Manier S, Huynh D, Shen YJ, Zhou J, Yusufzai T, Salem KZ, Ebright RY, Shi J, Park J, Glavey SV, Devine WG, Liu CJ, Leleu X, Quesnel B, Roche-Lestienne C, Snyder JK, Brown LE, Gray N, Bradner J, Whitesell L, Porco JA, Jr., Ghobrial IM. Inhibiting the oncogenic translation program is an effective therapeutic strategy in multiple myeloma. Sci Transl Med. 2017;9(389).
Magnez R, Thiroux B, Taront S, Segaoula Z, Quesnel B, Thuru X. PD-1/PD-L1 binding studies using microscale thermophoresis. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):17623.
Lacombe F, Campos L, Allou K, Arnoulet C, Delabarthe A, Dumezy F, Feuillard J, Genevieve F, Guerin E, Guy J, Jouault H, Lepelley P, Maynadie M, Solly F, Ballon OW, Preudhomme C, Baruchel A, Dombret H, Ifrah N, Bene MC. Prognostic value of multicenter flow cytometry harmonized assessment of minimal residual disease in acute myeloblastic leukemia. Hematol Oncol. 2017.
Herbaux C, Bertrand E, Marot G, Roumier C, Poret N, Soenen V, Nibourel O, Roche-Lestienne C, Broucqsault N, Galiegue-Zouitina S, Boyle EM, Fouquet G, Renneville A, Tricot S, Morschhauser F, Preudhomme C, Quesnel B, Poulain S, Leleu X. BACH2 promotes indolent clinical presentation in Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Oncotarget. 2017;8(34):57451-57459.
Halby L, Menon Y, Rilova E, Pechalrieu D, Masson V, Faux C, Bouhlel MA, David-Cordonnier MH, Novosad N, Aussagues Y, Samson A, Lacroix L, Ausseil F, Fleury L, Guianvarc’h D, Ferroud C, Arimondo PB. Rational Design of Bisubstrate-Type Analogues as Inhibitors of DNA Methyltransferases in Cancer Cells. J Med Chem. 2017;60(11):4665-4679.
Gonzales F, Cheok M. [Copy-number analysis identifies new prognostic marker in acute myeloid leukemia]. Med Sci (Paris). 2017;33(11):929-932.
Glavey SV, Naba A, Manier S, Clauser K, Tahri S, Park J, Reagan MR, Moschetta M, Mishima Y, Gambella M, Rocci A, Sacco A, O’Dwyer ME, Asara JM, Palumbo A, Roccaro AM, Hynes RO, Ghobrial IM. Proteomic characterization of human multiple myeloma bone marrow extracellular matrix. Leukemia. 2017;31(11):2426-2434.
Dulery R, Nibourel O, Gauthier J, Elsermans V, Behal H, Coiteux V, Magro L, Renneville A, Marceau A, Boyer T, Quesnel B, Preudhomme C, Duhamel A, Yakoub-Agha I. Impact of Wilms’ tumor 1 expression on outcome of patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation for AML. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2017;52(4):539-543.
Driss V, Lepretre F, Briche I, Mopin A, Villenet C, Figeac M, Quesnel B, Brinster C. Sub-clonal analysis of the murine C1498 acute myeloid leukaemia cell line reveals genomic and immunogenic diversity. Immunol Lett. 2017;192:27-34.
Cindric M, Jambon S, Harej A, Depauw S, David-Cordonnier MH, Kraljevic Pavelic S, Karminski-Zamola G, Hranjec M. Novel amidino substituted benzimidazole and benzothiazole benzo[b]thieno-2-carboxamides exert strong antiproliferative and DNA binding properties. Eur J Med Chem. 2017;136:468-479.
Chesnais V, Arcangeli ML, Delette C, Rousseau A, Guermouche H, Lefevre C, Bondu S, Diop M, Cheok M, Chapuis N, Legros L, Raynaud S, Willems L, Bouscary D, Lauret E, Bernard OA, Kosmider O, Pflumio F, Fontenay M. Architectural and functional heterogeneity of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in non-del(5q) myelodysplastic syndromes. Blood. 2017;129(4):484-496.
Chauveau A, Nibourel O, Tondeur S, Paz DL, Mansier O, Paul F, Wemeau M, Preudhomme C, Lippert E, Ugo V. Absence of CALR mutations in JAK2-negative polycythemia. Haematologica. 2017;102(1):e15-e16.
Bertrand E, Jouy N, Manier S, Fouquet G, Guidez S, Boyle E, Noel S, Tomowiak C, Herbaux C, Schraen S, Preudhomme C, Quesnel B, Poulain S, Leleu X. Role of IRF4 in resistance to immunomodulatory (IMid) compounds((R)) in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia. Oncotarget. 2017;8(68):112917-112927.
Batth IS, Mitra A, Manier S, Ghobrial IM, Menter D, Kopetz S, Li S. Circulating tumor markers: harmonizing the yin and yang of CTCs and ctDNA for precision medicine. Ann Oncol. 2017;28(3):468-477.
Balsat M, Renneville A, Thomas X, de Botton S, Caillot D, Marceau A, Lemasle E, Marolleau JP, Nibourel O, Berthon C, Raffoux E, Pigneux A, Rodriguez C, Vey N, Cayuela JM, Hayette S, Braun T, Coude MM, Terre C, Celli-Lebras K, Dombret H, Preudhomme C, Boissel N. Postinduction Minimal Residual Disease Predicts Outcome and Benefit From Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia With NPM1 Mutation: A Study by the Acute Leukemia French Association Group. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35(2):185-193.
Balducci E, Nivaggioni V, Boudjarane J, Bouriche L, Rahal I, Bernot D, Alazard E, Duployez N, Grardel N, Arnoux I, Lafage-Pochitaloff M, Michel G, Nadel B, Loosveld M. Lineage switch from B acute lymphoblastic leukemia to acute monocytic leukemia with persistent t(4;11)(q21;q23) and cytogenetic evolution under CD19-targeted therapy. Ann Hematol. 2017;96(9):1579-1581.
Andre F, Trinh A, Balayssac S, Maboudou P, Dekiouk S, Malet-Martino M, Quesnel B, Idziorek T, Kluza J, Marchetti P. Metabolic rewiring in cancer cells overexpressing the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ): Activation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and sensitization to oxidative cell death induced by mitochondrial targeted drugs. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2017;85:166-174.
Publications 2016
Willekens C, Blanchet O, Renneville A, Cornillet-Lefebvre P, Pautas C, Guieze R, Ifrah N, Dombret H, Jourdan E, Preudhomme C, Boissel N. Prospective long-term minimal residual disease monitoring using RQ-PCR in RUNX1-RUNX1T1-positive acute myeloid leukemia: results of the French CBF-2006 trial. Haematologica. 2016;101(3):328-335.
Touil Y, Segard P, Ostyn P, Begard S, Aspord C, El Machhour R, Masselot B, Vandomme J, Flamenco P, Idziorek T, Figeac M, Formstecher P, Quesnel B, Polakowska R. Melanoma dormancy in a mouse model is linked to GILZ/FOXO3A-dependent quiescence of disseminated stem-like cells. Sci Rep. 2016;6:30405.
Toma A, Kosmider O, Chevret S, Delaunay J, Stamatoullas A, Rose C, Beyne-Rauzy O, Banos A, Guerci-Bresler A, Wickenhauser S, Caillot D, Laribi K, De Renzis B, Bordessoule D, Gardin C, Slama B, Sanhes L, Gruson B, Cony-Makhoul P, Chouffi B, Salanoubat C, Benramdane R, Legros L, Wattel E, Tertian G, Bouabdallah K, Guilhot F, Taksin AL, Cheze S, Maloum K, Nimuboma S, Soussain C, Isnard F, Gyan E, Petit R, Lejeune J, Sardnal V, Renneville A, Preudhomme C, Fontenay M, Fenaux P, Dreyfus F. Lenalidomide with or without erythropoietin in transfusion-dependent erythropoiesis-stimulating agent-refractory lower-risk MDS without 5q deletion. Leukemia. 2016;30(4):897-905.
Thepot S, Ben Abdelali R, Chevret S, Renneville A, Beyne-Rauzy O, Prebet T, Park S, Stamatoullas A, Guerci-Bresler A, Cheze S, Tertian G, Choufi B, Legros L, Bastie JN, Delaunay J, Chaury MP, Sanhes L, Wattel E, Dreyfus F, Vey N, Chermat F, Preudhomme C, Fenaux P, Gardin C. A randomized phase II trial of azacitidine +/- epoetin-beta in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes resistant to erythropoietic stimulating agents. Haematologica. 2016;101(8):918-925.
Segaoula Z, Leclercq J, Verones V, Flouquet N, Lecoeur M, Ach L, Renault N, Barczyk A, Melnyk P, Berthelot P, Thuru X, Lebegue N. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of N-[2-(4-Hydroxyphenylamino)-pyridin-3-yl]-4-methoxy-benzenesulfonamide (ABT-751) Tricyclic Analogues as Antimitotic and Antivascular Agents with Potent in Vivo Antitumor Activity. J Med Chem. 2016;59(18):8422-8440.
Salem KZ, Moschetta M, Sacco A, Imberti L, Rossi G, Ghobrial IM, Manier S, Roccaro AM. Exosomes in Tumor Angiogenesis. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1464:25-34.
Roche-Lestienne C, Boudry-Labis E, Mozziconacci MJ. Cytogenetics in the management of « chronic myeloid leukemia »: an update by the Groupe francophone de cytogenetique hematologique (GFCH). Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2016;74(5):511-515.
Roccaro AM, Sacco A, Shi J, Chiarini M, Perilla-Glen A, Manier S, Glavey S, Aljawai Y, Mishima Y, Kawano Y, Moschetta M, Correll M, Improgo MR, Brown JR, Imberti L, Rossi G, Castillo JJ, Treon SP, Freedman ML, Van Allen EM, Hide W, Hiller E, Rainville I, Ghobrial IM. Exome sequencing reveals recurrent germ line variants in patients with familial Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Blood. 2016;127(21):2598-2606.
Qassemyar A, Gabert PE, Kluza J, Duquennoy-Martinot V, Mortier L, Marchetti P, Guerreschi P. Patient-derived tumor xenograft strategies for informed management of patients with metastatic melanoma. Melanoma Res. 2016;26(3):245-253.
Poulain S, Roumier C, Venet-Caillault A, Figeac M, Herbaux C, Marot G, Doye E, Bertrand E, Geffroy S, Lepretre F, Nibourel O, Decambron A, Boyle EM, Renneville A, Tricot S, Daudignon A, Quesnel B, Duthilleul P, Preudhomme C, Leleu X. Genomic Landscape of CXCR4 Mutations in Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia. Clin Cancer Res. 2016;22(6):1480-1488.
Perin N, Nhili R, Cindric M, Bertosa B, Vusak D, Martin-Kleiner I, Laine W, Karminski-Zamola G, Kralj M, David-Cordonnier MH, Hranjec M. Amino substituted benzimidazo[1,2-a]quinolines: Antiproliferative potency, 3D QSAR study and DNA binding properties. Eur J Med Chem. 2016;122:530-545.
Olombel G, Guerin E, Guy J, Perrot JY, Dumezy F, de Labarthe A, Bastie JN, Legrand O, Raffoux E, Plesa A, Wagner-Ballon O, Cornet E, Salaun V, Preudhomme C, Thomas X, Pautas C, Chantepie S, Turlure P, Castaigne S, Dombret H, Feuillard J. The level of blast CD33 expression positively impacts the effect of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2016;127(17):2157-2160.
Odore E, Lokiec F, Cvitkovic E, Bekradda M, Herait P, Bourdel F, Kahatt C, Raffoux E, Stathis A, Thieblemont C, Quesnel B, Cunningham D, Riveiro ME, Rezai K. Phase I Population Pharmacokinetic Assessment of the Oral Bromodomain Inhibitor OTX015 in Patients with Haematologic Malignancies. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2016;55(3):397-405.
Ng SW, Mitchell A, Kennedy JA, Chen WC, McLeod J, Ibrahimova N, Arruda A, Popescu A, Gupta V, Schimmer AD, Schuh AC, Yee KW, Bullinger L, Herold T, Gorlich D, Buchner T, Hiddemann W, Berdel WE, Wormann B, Cheok M, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Metzeler K, Buske C, Lowenberg B, Valk PJ, Zandstra PW, Minden MD, Dick JE, Wang JC. A 17-gene stemness score for rapid determination of risk in acute leukaemia. Nature. 2016;540(7633):433-437.
Moschetta M, Mishima Y, Kawano Y, Manier S, Paiva B, Palomera L, Aljawai Y, Calcinotto A, Unitt C, Sahin I, Sacco A, Glavey S, Shi J, Reagan MR, Prosper F, Bellone M, Chesi M, Bergsagel LP, Vacca A, Roccaro AM, Ghobrial IM. Targeting vasculogenesis to prevent progression in multiple myeloma. Leukemia. 2016;30(5):1103-1115.
Mopin A, Driss V, Brinster C. A Detailed Protocol for Characterizing the Murine C1498 Cell Line and its Associated Leukemia Mouse Model. J Vis Exp. 2016(116).
Mohamed AM, Balsat M, Thenoz M, Koering C, Payen-Gay L, Cheok M, Mortada H, Auboeuf D, Pinatel C, El-Hamri M, Dumontet C, Cros E, Flandrin-Gresta P, Nibourel O, Preudhomme C, Michallet M, Thomas X, Nicolini F, Solly F, Guyotat D, Campos L, Wattel E, Mortreux F. Oncogene- and drug resistance-associated alternative exon usage in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Oncotarget. 2016;7(3):2889-2909.
Merlevede J, Droin N, Qin T, Meldi K, Yoshida K, Morabito M, Chautard E, Auboeuf D, Fenaux P, Braun T, Itzykson R, de Botton S, Quesnel B, Commes T, Jourdan E, Vainchenker W, Bernard O, Pata-Merci N, Solier S, Gayevskiy V, Dinger ME, Cowley MJ, Selimoglu-Buet D, Meyer V, Artiguenave F, Deleuze JF, Preudhomme C, Stratton MR, Alexandrov LB, Padron E, Ogawa S, Koscielny S, Figueroa M, Solary E. Mutation allele burden remains unchanged in chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia responding to hypomethylating agents. Nat Commun. 2016;7:10767.
Manier S, Salem KZ, Liu D, Ghobrial IM. Future Directions in the Evaluation and Treatment of Precursor Plasma Cell Disorders. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2016;35:e400-406.
Manier S, Salem K, Glavey SV, Roccaro AM, Ghobrial IM. Genomic Aberrations in Multiple Myeloma. Cancer Treat Res. 2016;169:23-34.
Manier S, Kawano Y, Bianchi G, Roccaro AM, Ghobrial IM. Cell autonomous and microenvironmental regulation of tumor progression in precursor states of multiple myeloma. Curr Opin Hematol. 2016;23(4):426-433.
Lemal R, Bard-Sorel S, Montrieul L, Bay JO, Ravinet A, Ledoux-Pilon A, Cagnard N, Bailly S, Morel P, Charlotte F, Leleu X, Poulain S, Dechelotte PJ, Hermine O, Leblond V, Tournilhac O, Guieze R. TCL1 expression patterns in Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Mod Pathol. 2016;29(1):83-88.
Le Rouzic O, Kone B, Kluza J, Marchetti P, Hennegrave F, Olivier C, Kervoaze G, Vilain E, Mordacq C, Just N, Perez T, Bautin N, Pichavant M, Gosset P. Cigarette smoke alters the ability of human dendritic cells to promote anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae Th17 response. Respir Res. 2016;17(1):94.
Latger-Cannard V, Philippe C, Bouquet A, Baccini V, Alessi MC, Ankri A, Bauters A, Bayart S, Cornillet-Lefebvre P, Daliphard S, Mozziconacci MJ, Renneville A, Ballerini P, Leverger G, Sobol H, Jonveaux P, Preudhomme C, Nurden P, Lecompte T, Favier R. Haematological spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations in nine unrelated families with RUNX1 mutations from the French network on inherited platelet disorders. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2016;11:49.
Glavey SV, Manier S, Sacco A, Salem K, Kawano Y, Bouyssou J, Ghobrial IM, Roccaro AM. Epigenetics in Multiple Myeloma. Cancer Treat Res. 2016;169:35-49.
Gaudette BT, Dwivedi B, Chitta KS, Poulain S, Powell D, Vertino P, Leleu X, Lonial S, Chanan-Khan AA, Kowalski J, Boise LH. Low expression of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins sets the apoptotic threshold in Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Oncogene. 2016;35(4):479-490.
Ferret Y, Caillault A, Sebda S, Duez M, Grardel N, Duployez N, Villenet C, Figeac M, Preudhomme C, Salson M, Giraud M. Multi-loci diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. Br J Haematol. 2016;173(3):413-420.
Errea A, Cayet D, Marchetti P, Tang C, Kluza J, Offermanns S, Sirard JC, Rumbo M. Lactate Inhibits the Pro-Inflammatory Response and Metabolic Reprogramming in Murine Macrophages in a GPR81-Independent Manner. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):e0163694.
Emadali A, Hoghoughi N, Duley S, Hajmirza A, Verhoeyen E, Cosset FL, Bertrand P, Roumier C, Roggy A, Suchaud-Martin C, Chauvet M, Bertrand S, Hamaidia S, Rousseaux S, Josserand V, Charles J, Templier I, Maeda T, Bruder-Costa J, Chaperot L, Plumas J, Jacob MC, Bonnefoix T, Park S, Gressin R, Tensen CP, Mecucci C, Macintyre E, Leroux D, Brambilla E, Nguyen-Khac F, Luquet I, Penther D, Bastard C, Jardin F, Lefebvre C, Garnache F, Callanan MB. Haploinsufficiency for NR3C1, the gene encoding the glucocorticoid receptor, in blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasms. Blood. 2016;127(24):3040-3053.
Duployez N, Nibourel O, Ducourneau B, Grardel N, Boyer T, Bories C, Darre S, Coiteux V, Berthon C, Preudhomme C, Roche-Lestienne C. Acquisition of genomic events leading to lymphoblastic transformation in a rare case of myeloproliferative neoplasm with BCR-JAK2 fusion transcript. Eur J Haematol. 2016;97(4):399-402.
Duployez N, Micol JB, Boissel N, Petit A, Geffroy S, Bucci M, Lapillonne H, Renneville A, Leverger G, Ifrah N, Dombret H, Abdel-Wahab O, Jourdan E, Preudhomme C. Unlike ASXL1 and ASXL2 mutations, ASXL3 mutations are rare events in acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21). Leuk Lymphoma. 2016;57(1):199-200.
Duployez N, Marceau-Renaut A, Boissel N, Petit A, Bucci M, Geffroy S, Lapillonne H, Renneville A, Ragu C, Figeac M, Celli-Lebras K, Lacombe C, Micol JB, Abdel-Wahab O, Cornillet P, Ifrah N, Dombret H, Leverger G, Jourdan E, Preudhomme C. Comprehensive mutational profiling of core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2016;127(20):2451-2459.
Duployez N, Lejeune S, Renneville A, Preudhomme C. Myelodysplastic syndromes and acute leukemia with genetic predispositions: a new challenge for hematologists. Expert Rev Hematol. 2016;9(12):1189-1202.
Duployez N, Grzych G, Ducourneau B, Alarcon Fuentes M, Grardel N, Boyer T, Abou Chahla W, Bruno B, Nelken B, Clappier E, Preudhomme C. NUP214-ABL1 fusion defines a rare subtype of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia that could benefit from tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Haematologica. 2016;101(4):e133-134.
Desoutter J, Gay J, Berthon C, Ades L, Gruson B, Geffroy S, Plantier I, Marceau A, Helevaut N, Fernandes J, Bemba M, Stalnikiewicz L, Frimat C, Labreuche J, Nibourel O, Roumier C, Figeac M, Fenaux P, Quesnel B, Renneville A, Duhamel A, Preudhomme C. Molecular prognostic factors in acute myeloid leukemia receiving first-line therapy with azacitidine. Leukemia. 2016;30(6):1416-1418.
Corazao-Rozas P, Guerreschi P, Andre F, Gabert PE, Lancel S, Dekiouk S, Fontaine D, Tardivel M, Savina A, Quesnel B, Mortier L, Marchetti P, Kluza J. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation controls cancer cell’s life and death decisions upon exposure to MAPK inhibitors. Oncotarget. 2016;7(26):39473-39485.
Chesnais V, Renneville A, Toma A, Lambert J, Passet M, Dumont F, Chevret S, Lejeune J, Raimbault A, Stamatoullas A, Rose C, Beyne-Rauzy O, Delaunay J, Solary E, Fenaux P, Dreyfus F, Preudhomme C, Kosmider O, Fontenay M. Effect of lenalidomide treatment on clonal architecture of myelodysplastic syndromes without 5q deletion. Blood. 2016;127(6):749-760.
Ceroi A, Masson D, Roggy A, Roumier C, Chague C, Gauthier T, Philippe L, Lamarthee B, Angelot-Delettre F, Bonnefoy F, Perruche S, Biichle S, Preudhomme C, Macintyre E, Lagrost L, Garnache-Ottou F, Saas P. LXR agonist treatment of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm restores cholesterol efflux and triggers apoptosis. Blood. 2016;128(23):2694-2707.
Castillo JJ, Garcia-Sanz R, Hatjiharissi E, Kyle RA, Leleu X, McMaster M, Merlini G, Minnema MC, Morra E, Owen RG, Poulain S, Stone MJ, Tam C, Varettoni M, Dimopoulos MA, Treon SP, Kastritis E. Recommendations for the diagnosis and initial evaluation of patients with Waldenstrom Macroglobulinaemia: A Task Force from the 8th International Workshop on Waldenstrom Macroglobulinaemia. Br J Haematol. 2016;175(1):77-86.
Cabannes-Hamy A, Lemal R, Goldwirt L, Poulain S, Amorim S, Perignon R, Berger J, Brice P, De Kerviler E, Bay JO, Sauvageon H, Beldjord K, Mourah S, Tournilhac O, Thieblemont C. Efficacy of ibrutinib in the treatment of Bing-Neel syndrome. Am J Hematol. 2016;91(3):E17-19.
Boyle E, Manier S, Lejeune J, Fouquet G, Guidez S, Bonnet S, Debarri H, Demarquette H, Dulery R, Gay J, Hennache B, Onraed B, Faucompre JL, Schraen S, Facon T, Avet-Loiseau H, Chevret S, Leblond V, Harding S, Leleu X. IgMkappa and IgMlambda Measurements for the Assessment of Patients with Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinaemia. Clin Cancer Res. 2016;22(20):5152-5158.
Boyer T, Guihard S, Roumier C, Peyrouze P, Gonzales F, Berthon C, Quesnel B, Preudhomme C, Behal H, Duhamel A, Roche-Lestienne C, Cheok M. Tetraspanin CD81 is an adverse prognostic marker in acute myeloid leukemia. Oncotarget. 2016;7(38):62377-62385.
Berthon C, Raffoux E, Thomas X, Vey N, Gomez-Roca C, Yee K, Taussig DC, Rezai K, Roumier C, Herait P, Kahatt C, Quesnel B, Michallet M, Recher C, Lokiec F, Preudhomme C, Dombret H. Bromodomain inhibitor OTX015 in patients with acute leukaemia: a dose-escalation, phase 1 study. Lancet Haematol. 2016;3(4):e186-195.
Antony-Debre I, Duployez N, Bucci M, Geffroy S, Micol JB, Renneville A, Boissel N, Dhedin N, Rea D, Nelken B, Berthon C, Leblanc T, Mozziconacci MJ, Favier R, Heller PG, Abdel-Wahab O, Raslova H, Latger-Cannard V, Preudhomme C. Somatic mutations associated with leukemic progression of familial platelet disorder with predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia. 2016;30(4):999-1002.
Andre F, Corazao-Rozas P, Idziorek T, Quesnel B, Kluza J, Marchetti P. GILZ overexpression attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated cell death via the activation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;478(2):513-520.
Amorim S, Stathis A, Gleeson M, Iyengar S, Magarotto V, Leleu X, Morschhauser F, Karlin L, Broussais F, Rezai K, Herait P, Kahatt C, Lokiec F, Salles G, Facon T, Palumbo A, Cunningham D, Zucca E, Thieblemont C. Bromodomain inhibitor OTX015 in patients with lymphoma or multiple myeloma: a dose-escalation, open-label, pharmacokinetic, phase 1 study. Lancet Haematol. 2016;3(4):e196-204.
Abdelhamid E, Besbes S, Renneville A, Nibourel O, Helevaut N, Preudhomme C, Soua Z. Minimal Residual Disease assessment of IDH1/2 mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia by LNA-RQ-PCR. Tunis Med. 2016;94(3):190-197.
Publications 2015
White H, Deprez L, Corbisier P, Hall V, Lin F, Mazoua S, Trapmann S, Aggerholm A, Andrikovics H, Akiki S, Barbany G, Boeckx N, Bench A, Catherwood M, Cayuela JM, Chudleigh S, Clench T, Colomer D, Daraio F, Dulucq S, Farrugia J, Fletcher L, Foroni L, Ganderton R, Gerrard G, Gineikiene E, Hayette S, El Housni H, Izzo B, Jansson M, Johnels P, Jurcek T, Kairisto V, Kizilors A, Kim DW, Lange T, Lion T, Polakova KM, Martinelli G, McCarron S, Merle PA, Milner B, Mitterbauer-Hohendanner G, Nagar M, Nickless G, Nomdedeu J, Nymoen DA, Leibundgut EO, Ozbek U, Pajic T, Pfeifer H, Preudhomme C, Raudsepp K, Romeo G, Sacha T, Talmaci R, Touloumenidou T, Van der Velden VH, Waits P, Wang L, Wilkinson E, Wilson G, Wren D, Zadro R, Ziermann J, Zoi K, Muller MC, Hochhaus A, Schimmel H, Cross NC, Emons H. A certified plasmid reference material for the standardisation of BCR-ABL1 mRNA quantification by real-time quantitative PCR. Leukemia. 2015;29(2):369-376.
Trabelsi MS, Daoudi M, Prawitt J, Ducastel S, Touche V, Sayin SI, Perino A, Brighton CA, Sebti Y, Kluza J, Briand O, Dehondt H, Vallez E, Dorchies E, Baud G, Spinelli V, Hennuyer N, Caron S, Bantubungi K, Caiazzo R, Reimann F, Marchetti P, Lefebvre P, Backhed F, Gribble FM, Schoonjans K, Pattou F, Tailleux A, Staels B, Lestavel S. Farnesoid X receptor inhibits glucagon-like peptide-1 production by enteroendocrine L cells. Nat Commun. 2015;6:7629.
Tomellini E, Touil Y, Lagadec C, Julien S, Ostyn P, Ziental-Gelus N, Meignan S, Lengrand J, Adriaenssens E, Polakowska R, Le Bourhis X. Nerve growth factor and proNGF simultaneously promote symmetric self-renewal, quiescence, and epithelial to mesenchymal transition to enlarge the breast cancer stem cell compartment. Stem Cells. 2015;33(2):342-353.
Tierny D, Serres F, Segaoula Z, Bemelmans I, Bouchaert E, Petain A, Brel V, Couffin S, Marchal T, Nguyen L, Thuru X, Ferre P, Guilbaud N, Gomes B. Phase I Clinical Pharmacology Study of F14512, a New Polyamine-Vectorized Anticancer Drug, in Naturally Occurring Canine Lymphoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2015;21(23):5314-5323.
Tawana K, Wang J, Renneville A, Bodor C, Hills R, Loveday C, Savic A, Van Delft FW, Treleaven J, Georgiades P, Uglow E, Asou N, Uike N, Debeljak M, Jazbec J, Ancliff P, Gale R, Thomas X, Mialou V, Dohner K, Bullinger L, Mueller B, Pabst T, Stelljes M, Schlegelberger B, Wozniak E, Iqbal S, Okosun J, Araf S, Frank AK, Lauridsen FB, Porse B, Nerlov C, Owen C, Dokal I, Gribben J, Smith M, Preudhomme C, Chelala C, Cavenagh J, Fitzgibbon J. Disease evolution and outcomes in familial AML with germline CEBPA mutations. Blood. 2015;126(10):1214-1223.
Smol T, Nibourel O, Marceau-Renaut A, Celli-Lebras K, Berthon C, Quesnel B, Boissel N, Terre C, Thomas X, Castaigne S, Dombret H, Preudhomme C, Renneville A. Quantification of EVI1 transcript levels in acute myeloid leukemia by RT-qPCR analysis: A study by the ALFA Group. Leuk Res. 2015;39(12):1443-1447.
Simonetta F, Posa M, Villard J, Marceau-Renaut A, Preudhomme C, Samii K, Chizzolini C. Restoration of hematopoiesis in a case of myelodysplastic syndrome associated with systemic lupus erythematosus treated with rituximab. Ann Hematol. 2015;94(7):1247-1249.
Selimoglu-Buet D, Wagner-Ballon O, Saada V, Bardet V, Itzykson R, Bencheikh L, Morabito M, Met E, Debord C, Benayoun E, Nloga AM, Fenaux P, Braun T, Willekens C, Quesnel B, Ades L, Fontenay M, Rameau P, Droin N, Koscielny S, Solary E. Characteristic repartition of monocyte subsets as a diagnostic signature of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood. 2015;125(23):3618-3626.
Savreux–Lenglet G, Depauw S, David-Cordonnier MH. Protein Recognition in Drug-Induced DNA Alkylation: When the Moonlight Protein GAPDH Meets S23906-1/DNA Minor Groove Adducts. Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16(11):26555-26581.
Roccaro AM, Mishima Y, Sacco A, Moschetta M, Tai YT, Shi J, Zhang Y, Reagan MR, Huynh D, Kawano Y, Sahin I, Chiarini M, Manier S, Cea M, Aljawai Y, Glavey S, Morgan E, Pan C, Michor F, Cardarelli P, Kuhne M, Ghobrial IM. CXCR4 Regulates Extra-Medullary Myeloma through Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Transition-like Transcriptional Activation. Cell Rep. 2015;12(4):622-635.
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Thèses en cours
- LAGUILLAUMIE Marie-Océane (D1 en 2020 – dir.thèse: Thierry IDZIOREK)
- LEWUILLON Clara (D1 en 2019 – dir. thèse : Yasmine TOUIL)
- TITAH Sofia (D1 en 2022 – dir. thèse : Yasmine TOUIL)
- HASAN BOU ISSA Lama (D1 en 2019 – dir. thèse : Salomon Manier)
- CHOMY Axel (D1 en 2022- dir.thèse: Jérôme KLUZA)
- DEGAND Claire (D1 en 2021 – dir.thèse: Jérôme KLUZA)
- VREVIN Julie (D1 en 2021 -dir.thèse: Marie-Hélène DAVID)
- GERMAIN Nicolas (D1 en 2018 – dir.thèse: Philippe MARCHETTI/ Steve LANCEL)
- GOURSAUD Laure (D1 en 2022- dir.thèse:Xavier THURU)
- SEGAIN Benjamin (D1 en 2022- dir.thèse: Suman MITRA/Bruno QUESNEL)
- FLECHON Léa (D1 en 2018 – dir.thèse: Salomon Manier/Thierry Idziorek)
Thèses soutenues
- BEN-KHOUD Meriem (sout.le 26/01/2023) sous la direction de: Carine BRINSTER
- FOVEZ Quentin (sout.le /2021) sous la direction de: Jérôme KLUZA
- KHAMARI Raeeka (sout.le 27/01/2021) sous la direction de: Jérôme KLUZA
- GONZALES Fanny (sout.le 06/02/2020) sous la direction de : Meyling CHEOK
- TRINH Anne (sout.le 28/11/2019) sous la direction de : Philippe MARCHETTI
- MOPIN Alexia (sout.le 07/12/2018) sous la direction de : Carine BRINSTER
- JAMBON Samy (sout.le 03/12/2018) sous la direction de : Marie-Hélène DAVID
- MOPIN Alexia (sout.le 07/12/2018) sous la direction de : Carine BRINSTER
- BERTHE Julie (sout.le 07/09/2018) sous la direction de : Bruno QUESNEL
- LAMBERT Mélanie (sout. le 23/03/2018) sous la direction de : Marie-Hélène DAVID
- CARTON Celine (sout. le 15/12/2017) sous la direction de : Thierry IDZIOREK
- DUPLOYEZ Nicolas (sout. le 15/12/2017) sous la direction de : Claude PREUDHOMME et Jean-Michel CAYUELA
- MANIER Salomon (sout. le 04/07/2017) sous la direction de : Catherine ROCHE-LESTIENNE et Xavier LELEU
- SEGAOULA Zakaria (sout. le 07/04/2017) sous la direction de : Sylvie ZOUITINA-GALIEGUE et Xavier THURU
- ANDRE Fanny (sout. le 19/01/2017) sous la direction de : Philippe MARCHETTI
- BOYER Thomas (sout. le 15/12/2016) sous la direction de : Meyling CHEOK
- OSTYN Pauline (sout. le 27/09/2016) sous la direction de : Pierre FORMSTECHER
- POULAIN Stephanie (sout. le 21/09/2016) sous la direction de : Claude PREUDHOMME
- PORET Nicolas (sout. le 30/09/2015) sous la direction de : Sylvie ZOUITINA-GALIEGUE
HDR Soutenues
- MANIER Salomon (sout. le 18/11/2019) sous la direction de Bruno QUESNEL
- TOUIL Yasmine (sout. le 26/02/2019) sous la direction de Bruno QUESNEL
- THURU Xavier (sout. le 24/06/2022) sous la direction de Bruno Quesnel
Yasmine TOUIL :
Dr Loïc LEMONNIER, Laboratoire PHYCELL U1003 Inserm/université de Lille
Pr Dominique Collard, Dr Cagatay Tahran, Laboratoire SMMIL-E
Xavier THURU :
Pr Régis Millet , INFINITE U1286, Lille
Dr Ralf Jockers, Institut Cochin, Pharmacologie fonctionnelle et physiopathologie des récepteurs membranaires,, Paris
Pr Jean-François Goossens et Dr Laurence Goossens, ULR 7365 GRITA, Pr Jean-François Goossens et Dr Laurence Goossens, Lille
Dr Cindy Patinote, Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron, Montpellier